Course Description

Cooperative and General Education

Course CodeCourse NameCreditsHours
1400001 The Thought of Dr.Sun Yat-Sen 4.0 4
1400002 Constitution 2.0 2
1400003 Constitutional Principles 4.0 4
1400012 Chinese 6.0 6
1400021 English 6.0 6
1400022 English 4.0 4
1400023 Oral-Aural Training in English 0.0 4
1400024 English and Practice 2.0 4
1400025 Intermediate English and Practice 2.0 4
1400026 Practical English 1.0 1
1400027 English in Practice 4.0 6
1400028 Advanced English in Practice 4.0 6
1400029 Internship 2.0 40
1400030 Listening and Speaking I 0.0 2
1400031 Listening and Speaking II 0.0 2
1400032 Grammar and Writing I 0.0 2
1400033 Grammar and Writing II 0.0 2
1400034 Vocabulary and Reading I 0.0 2
1400035 Vocabulary and Reading II 0.0 2
1400036 Preparatory Course for English in Practice 0.0 1
1400037 English Communication in Workplace 0.0 2
1400038 English Communication and Application I (ECA Courses) 2.0 3
1400039 English Communication and Application II (ECA Courses) 2.0 3
1400051 General History of China 4.0 4
1400098 First step to achieving the goals of universities 1.0 2
1400099 Service Learning 0.0 1
1400100 Campus Custodial Services 0.0 1
1400101 Patent Laws 3.0 3
1400102 First step to achieving the goals of universities and Engineering Ethics 1.0 2
1400209 Classics & Thinking 2.0 2
1400210 The History of Taiwan 2.0 2
1400211 Human Rights & Laws 2.0 2
1400301 Intellectual Property 3.0 3
1400302 The Law of Technology 3.0 3
1400303 Seminar in Intellectual Property Right Cases 2.0 2
1400304 Patent Laws 3.0 3
1400305 Trademark Law 3.0 3
1400306 Copyright Law 3.0 3
1400307 Trade Secret Law and Fair trading Law 3.0 3
1400308 Administrative Procedures and Administrative Litigation 3.0 3
1400309 The Contract of Intellectual Property Right and Technology T 3.0 3
1400310 The Benchmark of Patent examination and Practice in Patent a 3.0 3
1400311 Intellectual Property Right and Crime 3.0 3
1400312 Intellectual Property Right Management 3.0 3
1400313 Intellectual Property Right Litigation 3.0 3
1400314 Practice in Patent Infringement Verification 3.0 3
1400501 Popular Culture in English 2.0 2
1400502 journalistic english 2.0 2
1400503 Technical English 2.0 2
1400504 BULATS Preparation 2.0 2
1400505 English Communication in Workplace 2.0 2
1400506 Western Thoughts in Dialogue with Modern Business and Technology 2.0 2
1400507 English Writing in Workplace 2.0 2
1400508 English in Situation Comedy 2.0 2
1400509 Presentation in English 2.0 2
1400510 Advanced Practical English 0.0 2
1400511 Workplace Conversation English 2.0 2
1400512 News Media English 2.0 2
1400513 Learning English from Literature Classics 2.0 2
1400514 ESP(Design) 2.0 2
1400515 ESP(Management) 2.0 2
1400516 ESP(Engineering) 2.0 2
1400517 ESP(Humanities and social sciences) 2.0 2
1400518 ESP(Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) 2.0 2
1400519 ESP(Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 2.0 2
1400520 Course in English language Proficiency Tests 2.0 2
1400521 Course in English language Proficiency Tests 2.0 2
1400522 Course in English language Proficiency Tests 2.0 2
1400523 Course in English language Proficiency Tests 2.0 2
1400524 English Presentation for Academic Purposes & Discussion 2.0 2
1400525 Basic English Listening and Vocabulary 2.0 3
1400526 Basic English Listening and Vocabulary 2.0 2
1401031 Calculus 8.0 8
1401032 Calculus 6.0 6
1401033 Calculus 4.0 4
1401034 Calculus 0.0 2
1401035 Calculus 8.0 10
1401036 Calculus 6.0 8
1401037 Calculus 4.0 6
1401038 Calculus 8.0 8
1401039 Calculus 6.0 8
1401041 Physics 6.0 6
1401042 General Physics 2.0 2
1401043 Physics Lab. 2.0 6
1401044 Physics Lab. 1.0 3
1401045 Physics 6.0 6
1401046 General Physics 2.0 3
1402506 Emerging Market Series: Getting to know Thailand 1.0 1
1402507 Emerging Market Series: Getting to know Thailand2 1.0 1
1403011 Chinese 2.0 2
1403022 English 2.0 2
1403024 English Reading and Writing 2.0 4
1403025 Business English 2.0 4
1404001 General History Of China 2.0 2
1404002 Contemporary Thoughts And National Development 2.0 2
1404003 Chinese 4.0 4
1404004 The History of China 2.0 2
1404005 Constitutional Principles 2.0 2
1404006 Chinese 2.0 2
1404007 Practical Application of Chinese Language 2.0 2
1408012 Consumer Behavior in Entrepreneurship 2.0 2
1409999 Computer Programming and Lab. 3.0 4
1410001 Practical Chinese Writting on Various Subject Matters (I) 2.0 2
1410002 Practical Chinese Writting on Various Subject Matters (II) 2.0 2
1410003 Journalistic English (I) 1.0 2
1410004 Journalistic English (II) 1.0 2
1410005 Grammar and Rhetoric (I) 1.0 2
1410006 Grammar and Rhetoric (II) 1.0 2
1410007 Primary Japanese (I) 1.0 2
1410008 Primary Japanese (II) 1.0 2
1410009 Secondary Japanese (I) 1.0 2
1410010 Secondary Japanese (II) 1.0 2
1410011 German(Deutsch) (I) 1.0 2
1410012 German(Deutsch) (II) 1.0 2
1410013 French (I) 1.0 2
1410014 French (II) 1.0 2
1410015 Spanish (I) 1.0 2
1410016 Spanish (II) 1.0 2
1410017 Russian (I) 1.0 2
1410018 Russian (II) 1.0 2
1410019 Journalistic English (I) 2.0 2
1410020 Journalist English (II) 2.0 2
1410021 Grammar and Rhetoric (I) 2.0 2
1410022 Grammar and Rhetonic (II) 2.0 2
1410023 Primary Japanese (I) 2.0 2
1410024 Primary Japanese (II) 2.0 2
1410025 Secondary Japanese (I) 2.0 2
1410026 Secondary Japanese (II) 2.0 2
1410027 German(Deutsch) (I) 2.0 2
1410028 German(Deutsch) (II) 2.0 2
1410029 French (I) 2.0 2
1410030 French (II) 2.0 2
1410031 Spainish (I) 2.0 2
1410032 Spainish (II) 2.0 2
1410033 Russia (I) 2.0 2
1410034 Russian (II) 2.0 2
1410035 Primary German (I) 2.0 2
1410036 Primary French (I) 2.0 2
1410037 Chuang-tzu 2.0 2
1410038 Selected Readings on Contemporary Tang-Poetry 2.0 2
1410039 Lueng Yu 2.0 2
1410040 Economics 2.0 2
1410041 Constitution 2.0 2
1410042 International relations 2.0 2
1410043 Mainland China Study 2.0 2
1410044 Economic Changes and development 2.0 2
1410045 Computer and Human Life 2.0 2
1410046 Health and Life 2.0 2
1410047 Science and Technology Information Retrival 2.0 2
1410048 Population Education 2.0 2
1410049 Gender Studies 2.0 2
1410050 Comparative Constitution 2.0 2
1410051 Modern Political Analysis 2.0 2
1410052 Administrative 2.0 2
1410053 Introduction to Civil Law 2.0 2
1410054 Study of Contemporary Social Problems 2.0 2
1410055 Travel Japanese 2.0 2
1410056 Industrial Economics 2.0 2
1410057 English Reading and Discussion(I) 2.0 2
1410058 English Reading and Discussion(II) 2.0 2
1410059 Dialect and Literature 2.0 2
1410060 An Introduction to English Literature 2.0 2
1410061 An Introduction to English Literature (II) 2.0 2
1410062 Chinese Garden Literature 2.0 2
1410063 The History of Taiwan Literature 2.0 2
1410064 Philosophy of Life 2.0 2
1410065 Chinese Ritual and Life 2.0 2
1410066 History of Taiwan 2.0 2
1410067 History of China Civilization 2.0 2
1410068 Interpersonal Relationship 2.0 2
1410069 Introduction to Social Science 2.0 2
1410070 Industrial Psychology 2.0 2
1410071 Career Development and Choice 2.0 2
1410072 Group Therapy for Personal Growth 2.0 2
1410073 The Art of Speaking 2.0 2
1410074 Introduction to Enviromental Protection 2.0 2
1410075 Introduction to Religions 2.0 2
1410076 Logic 2.0 2
1410077 Watercolor Painting 2.0 2
1410078 Introduction of "Chinese Art" 2.0 2
1410079 Appreciation of Western Art 2.0 2
1410080 Chinese Calligraphy Appreciation 2.0 2
1410081 Introduction to Art Theories 2.0 2
1410082 Music Appreciation 2.0 2
1410083 Introduction to Aetheties─The Chinese Jade Culture 2.0 2
1410084 Drama Appreciation 2.0 2
1410085 Opera Appreciation 2.0 2
1410086 Dance Appreciation 2.0 2
1410087 Time Science 2.0 2
1410088 Introduction to Law 2.0 2
1410089 Sociology of Education 2.0 2
1410090 Environmental Education 2.0 2
1410091 Parental Education 2.0 2
1410092 The Science of Earth 2.0 2
1410093 Biology and Modern Life 2.0 2
1410094 Introduction to Environmental Protection 2.0 2
1410095 Law and Politics 2.0 2
1410096 The Social and Cutural Characters in Taiwan 2.0 2
1410097 Calligraphy Appreciation 2.0 2
1410098 Understand Movies 2.0 2
1410099 Sketch 2.0 2
1410100 Sketch (II) 2.0 2
1410101 Art Appreciation 2.0 2
1410102 Gemology 2.0 2
1410103 Plants and Food Production 2.0 2
1410104 Medical and Living 2.0 2
1410105 Exploration of the Universe 2.0 2
1410106 Media and Society 2.0 2
1410107 Sketch(I) 2.0 2
1410108 The History of Chinese Philosophy 2.0 2
1410109 Tang dynasty, Song dynasty & Yuan dynasty's folk literature 2.0 2
1410110 Tea and Literature 2.0 2
1410111 Seal Cutting Appreciation and Practice 2.0 2
1410112 English Oral Practice 2.0 2
1410113 Media English 2.0 2
1410114 Basic Interpretation 2.0 2
1410115 Modern English Prose 2.0 2
1410116 Reading English and American Fiction and Discussion 2.0 2
1410117 Politics and Our Life 2.0 2
1410118 Religion and Life 2.0 2
1410119 Changes and Development in the Taiwan Economy 2.0 2
1410120 Analysis of the Historic Persons in Modern China 2.0 2
1410121 Business and the Law 2.0 2
1410122 Introduce to the Earth Science 2.0 2
1410123 Geography of Taiwan 2.0 2
1410124 An Introduction to Opto-electronics 2.0 2
1410125 Computer-Assisted Learning 2.0 2
1410126 Topics of Mathematics 2.0 2
1410127 The Contemporary History of China 2.0 2
1410128 Historical Sites in Taiwan 2.0 2
1410129 Modern Taiwan:Important Figures & Events 2.0 2
1410130 Mythological Novels 2.0 2
1410131 English Culture 2.0 2
1410132 Selected readings of Erleen Chang's Novels 2.0 2
1410133 The Romance of Three Kingdoms and The Chinese Culture 2.0 2
1410134 Law and Life 2.0 2
1410135 Changing Society 2.0 2
1410136 Science and Human Life 2.0 2
1410137 Modern History of China 2.0 2
1410138 Introduction to Chinese Jade Culture 2.0 2
1410139 Biology and Life 2.0 2
1410140 Chinese Classical Novelttes 2.0 2
1410141 Female Accounts in Chinese Literature 2.0 2
1410142 Psychology of Life 2.0 2
1410143 Medical Trend in the New Era 2.0 2
1410144 Biology and Biotechnology 2.0 2
1410145 Intellectual Property 2.0 2
1410146 Primary Japanese and Practice(I) 1.0 2
1410147 Primary Japanese and Practice(Ⅱ) 1.0 2
1410148 Secondary Japanese and Practice(Ⅰ) 1.0 2
1410149 Secondary Japanese and Practice(Ⅱ) 1.0 2
1410150 German(Deutsch) and Practice(I) 1.0 2
1410151 German(Deutsch) and Practice(Ⅱ) 1.0 2
1410152 French and Practice(I) 1.0 2
1410153 French and Practice(Ⅱ) 1.0 2
1410154 Spanish and Practice(I) 1.0 2
1410155 Spanish and Practice(Ⅱ) 1.0 2
1410156 Russian and Practice(I) 1.0 2
1410157 Russian and Practice(Ⅱ) 1.0 2
1410158 Primary German and Practice(I) 1.0 2
1410159 Primary French and Practice(Ⅰ) 1.0 2
1410160 Remedial English Teaching 0.0 4
1410161 Philosophy of Confucius 2.0 2
1410162 Introduction to Aetheties─The Chinese Jade Culture 2.0 2
1410163 Folksong and Life in Taiwan 2.0 2
1410164 English Proverbs And Human Relationships 2.0 2
1410165 General discussion of Life Science(1) 2.0 2
1410166 General discussion of Life Science(2) 2.0 2
1410167 Drugs on Life 2.0 2
1410168 Japanese Conversation 2.0 2
1410169 Weather and Life 2.0 2
1410170 Applied Nutrition on Life 2.0 2
1410171 Philosophy introduction 2.0 2
1410172 An exploration of the place-names in Taiwan 2.0 2
1410173 The Open Society and Education 2.0 2
1410174 Factors and Political Changes in Taiwan 2.0 2
1410175 Marriage and Family 2.0 2
1410176 Logic and science development 2.0 2
1410177 Wisdom of Zhuang Zi 2.0 2
1410178 His-atuobiographical Literature 2.0 2
1410179 Shuo Wen Jie Zi 2.0 2
1410180 Legendary Stories of the Tangnese 2.0 2
1410181 Depicted Femininity 2.0 2
1410182 Applied Literature 2.0 2
1410183 Famous Figures in the Chinese History 2.0 2
1410184 Rhymed Writings in Song Dynasty 2.0 2
1410185 An Introduction to Chinese Operas and Dramas 2.0 2
1410186 Mythological Novels 2.0 2
1410187 The History of the Western Culture 2.0 2
1410188 An Introduction to Chinese Cultural and Historical Relics 2.0 2
1410189 Chinese Aesthetics 2.0 2
1410190 The History of Technology 2.0 2
1410191 History and Life 2.0 2
1410192 Communication Management 2.0 2
1410193 Legal Problems On Internet 2.0 2
1410194 Technological Law & Ethics 2.0 2
1410195 Introduction to the Constitutional Systems in Mainland China 2.0 2
1410196 Statistics and Life 2.0 2
1410197 Mathematics and Life 2.0 2
1410198 The Biography of Mathematicians 2.0 2
1410199 Technology and Mathematics 2.0 2
1410200 Cinema and Music 2.0 2
1410201 An Introduction to Philosophy of Ecology 2.0 2
1410202 Precalculus 0.0 1
1410203 Introduction to Crime Law 2.0 2
1410204 The Law of Technology 2.0 2
1410205 Crime and Prevention 2.0 2
1410206 The Development of Taiwan Technology History 2.0 2
1410207 Oral History 2.0 2
1410208 Lecture on Erudition & Refinement 2.0 2
1410209 Lecture on Erudition & Refinement(I) 2.0 2
1410210 Lecture on Erudition & Refinement(II) 2.0 2
1410211 Lecture on Erudition & Refinement(III) 2.0 2
1410212 Course in English language Proficiency Tests 2.0 2
1410213 Philosophy of Mind 2.0 2
1410214 Philosophy of Sicence 2.0 2
1410215 Philosophy of Biology 2.0 2
1410216 Critical Thinking 2.0 2
1410217 Buddhism and life 2.0 2
1410218 Reading Chinese Women's Mind 2.0 2
1410219 Introduction for Cultural Property 2.0 2
1410220 Modern History of Taiwan's Industrial Education 2.0 2
1410221 The Figures and History of Taiwan's Science and Technology 2.0 2
1410222 The Culture of Taiwan 2.0 2
1410223 History of Taiwanese Songs 2.0 2
1410224 Contemporary Asian Music 2.0 2
1410225 The Cultural History of Chinese Medicine 2.0 2
1410226 Creativity Stimulation 2.0 2
1410227 Contemporary Art and Creative Industries of Culture 2.0 2
1410228 Western Civilization 2.0 2
1410229 Taiwanese Folk Religion 2.0 2
1410230 Contemporary Management 2.0 2
1410231 Life Education 2.0 2
1410232 Introduction to Labor Law 2.0 2
1410233 Labor Problems and Labor Disputes 2.0 2
1410234 French culture and life 2.0 2
1410235 Learning law from watching movie 2.0 2
1410236 Course in English language Proficiency Tests 1.0 2
1410237 Philosophical Psychology 2.0 2
1410238 French Culture and European Union 2.0 2
1410239 An Introduction to the study of Consciousness 2.0 2
1410240 Introduction to Labor Law 2.0 2
1410241 Effective Communication in English 2.0 2
1411001 Culture concept 2.0 2
1411002 Literary concept 2.0 2
1411003 An Introduction to Taiwanese Culture 2.0 2
1411004 The Conspectus of Chinese Culture 2.0 2
1411005 History and Cultural Relics 2.0 2
1411006 Religion and Philosophy in The Journey to the West 2.0 2
1411007 The Legend of the Outlaws of the Marsh and the Lower-class Society 2.0 2
1411008 Children's Literature 2.0 2
1411009 The modern literature and cultural construction in twentieth century China 2.0 2
1411010 Narrative Structures and Applications 2.0 2
1411011 Appreciation of Dream Literary in Pre - Qin Dynasty 2.0 2
1411015 Love and Literature 2.0 2
1411016 French Cultural Heritage and R&D of Innovative Paper Art & Design 2.0 2
1411017 R&D of Museum Tour Guide Service 2.0 2
1411018 French Culture and Paper Art Application 2.0 2
1411019 The Introduction of Orchestra Music 2.0 2
1411020 History of Western Art 2.0 2
1411021 Aesthetics of living 2.0 2
1411022 Introduction to Music 2.0 2
1411023 The History of Daily Life in Pre-Modern China 2.0 2
1411024 Music Performance Practice 2.0 2
1411025 Social Practice of Photography Creation 3.0 3
1411026 Piano and Life 2.0 2
1411027 Basic 3D Animation 2.0 2
1412001 Culture of the World 2.0 2
1412002 An Introduction to History 2.0 2
1412003 History and the Modern Worlds 2.0 2
1412004 Films and History 2.0 2
1412005 The Development of Politics in China 2.0 2
1412006 The Select Readings in Chinese History 2.0 2
1412007 The social history of China 2.0 2
1412008 Modern History of Japan 2.0 2
1412009 History of Taiwan-Japan Relations 2.0 2
1412010 The Post-War History of Taiwan 2.0 2
1412011 Eastern Asia and Taiwan 2.0 2
1412012 An Anthology: The History of Taiwan 2.0 2
1412013 War in images and history 2.0 2
1412014 Images and world history 2.0 2
1412015 A History of Materials in Taiwan 2.0 2
1412016 History of World : The Modern Western History 2.0 2
1412017 Dietary History of World 2.0 2
1412018 The History and Culture of Taiwan 2.0 2
1412019 An Anthology of History Writings 2.0 2
1412020 Taiwan History of Marine Culture 2.0 2
1412021 Modern Taiwanese Warfare 2.0 2
1413001 Introduction to Ethics 2.0 2
1413002 Engineering Ethics 2.0 2
1413003 Professional Ethics 2.0 2
1413004 Business Ethics 2.0 2
1413005 Social Philosophy 2.0 2
1413006 Engineering Ethics and Industrial Safety 2.0 2
1413007 Theory of Happiness 2.0 2
1414001 Constitution and Human Rights 2.0 2
1414002 An Introduction to Electronic Commerce Laws 2.0 2
1414003 Information Laws 2.0 2
1414004 Copyright Act 2.0 2
1414005 Cross Strait Relations and International Politics 2.0 2
1414006 Gender and the law 2.0 2
1415001 Introduction to Economics 2.0 2
1415002 Introduction to sociology 2.0 2
1415004 Clash and Symbiosis of Globalization 2.0 2
1415005 Introduction to Investment 2.0 2
1415006 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 2.0 2
1415007 Positive Psychology 2.0 2
1415008 Management for Social Enterprise 2.0 2
1415009 Introduction to Leadership 2.0 2
1415011 Greater China Economic Circle 2.0 2
1415012 Media, Business and Politics 2.0 2
1415013 Photography and Society 2.0 2
1415014 Gender, Technology and Globalization 2.0 2
1415015 Introduction to Social Psychology 2.0 2
1415016 Labor Images in Contemporary Taiwan Society 2.0 2
1415017 Workplace Ethics 2.0 2
1415018 Producing Labor Documentaries 2.0 2
1415019 Finance in daily life 2.0 2
1415020 Gender and Image 3.0 3
1415021 Intimate relationship 2.0 2
1415022 Social Practice of Making Video 3.0 3
1415023 Film Seminar on SDGs 2.0 2
1416001 Logical Inference 2.0 2
1416002 Introduction to Modern Technology 2.0 2
1416003 Environmental Ecology 2.0 2
1416004 General discussion of Life Science 2.0 2
1416005 Introductory Biology 2.0 2
1416006 Green Technologies and Life 2.0 2
1416007 Global Warming 2.0 2
1416008 Introduction to Marine Environmental Protection 2.0 2
1416009 Environment and Conservation 2.0 2
1416010 Living Environment and Radiation 2.0 2
1416011 N 2.0 2
1416012 Logical Inference and Application 2.0 2
1416013 Ecology and Environmental Protection 2.0 2
1416014 from Constellations to Study Evolution of Stars 2.0 2
1416015 Creative Designs of Paper Materials 2.0 2
1416016 Nutrition, Exercise and Health 2.0 2
1416017 Chemistry and Live 2.0 2
1416018 Health Promotion and First Aid 2.0 2
1416019 Python Program Design and Application 2.0 2
1416020 Urbanization and natural habitat 2.0 2
1416021 An introduction to virology and unusual infectious agents 2.0 2
1416022 Python programming 2.0 2
1416023 Big data analysis :Business Applications and Strategic Decisions 1.0 1
1416024 Introduction to the quantum computing 1.0 1
1416025 Introduction to artificial intelligence and quantum computing 2.0 2
1416026 Mathematical Modeling 2.0 2
1416027 Applied Statistics and Data Analytics 2.0 2
1416028 IP Management in Electronic Technology Industry 2.0 2
1416029 The era of sustainable development 3.0 3
1417002 Liberal Education 10.0 10
1418001 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.0 2
1418002 Innovative Thinking 2.0 2
1418003 Introduction to Entrepreneurial 2.0 2
1418004 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Finance 2.0 2
1418005 Entrepreneurship and Patents 2.0 2
1418006 Fundamentals of Business Proposal 2.0 2
1418007 Applications of Internet of Things ( IoT ) 2.0 2
1418008 The Brand Management and Marketing of Entrepreneurship 2.0 2
1418009 Initiations & Trading 2.0 2
1418010 Technological Innovation 2.0 2
1418011 Service Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.0 2
1418012 Consumer Behavior in Entrepreneurship 2.0 2
1418013 Start to APP Design and Application 2.0 2
1418014 Blockchain Technology and Applications 2.0 2
1418015 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2.0 2
1418016 Social Responsibility and Social Innovation 1.0 1
1418017 Entrepreneurship-Turn Your Idea into a Funded Business 1.0 1
1418018 Innovation technology and industry analysis 2.0 2
1418019 Digital Innovation 2.0 2
1419971 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Culture 2.0 2
1419972 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:History 2.0 2
1419973 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Philosophy 2.0 2
1419974 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Nomocracy 2.0 2
1419975 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Society 2.0 2
1419976 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Nature 2.0 2
1419981 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Culture 2.0 2
1419982 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:History 2.0 2
1419983 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Philosophy 2.0 2
1419984 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Nomocracy 2.0 2
1419985 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Society 2.0 2
1419986 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Nature 2.0 2
1419987 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Society and Philosophy 2.0 2
1419988 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.0 2
1419989 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Aesthetics and Arts 2.0 2
1419990 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education: History and Literatural 2.0 2
1419991 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2
1419992 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2
1419993 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2
1419994 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2
1419995 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2
1419997 Liberal Education 6.0 6
1419998 Liberal Education 8.0 8
1419999 Liberal Education 2.0 2
1420001 College designated dimension curriculum:Humanities and Art 4.0 4
1420002 College designated dimension curriculum:Social and Rules of Law 4.0 4
1420003 College designated dimension curriculum:Nature and Science 4.0 4
1420004 College designated dimension curriculum:Innovation and Entrepreneurship 4.0 4
1420005 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2
1420006 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2
1420007 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2
1420008 Liberal Education 4.0 4
1420009 Liberal Education 4.0 4
1420010 Optional dimension curriculum 1.0 1
14E0001 Diversified English 4.0 6
14E0002 Diversified English 4.0 4
14E0003 English for Specific Purposes (ESP Course) 4.0 4
14E1001 Basic News English 2.0 3
14E1002 English Pronunciation and Listening/ Speaking Training 2.0 3
14E1003 Basic Workplace English 2.0 3
14E1004 Basic English Reading and Vocabulary 2.0 3
14E1005 Basic Grammar and Writing Skills 2.0 3
14E1006 Basic Situational English Conversation 2.0 3
14E1007 Basic Grammar and Writing about Popular Culture 2.0 3
14E1008 Basic English Reading and Vocabulary I 2.0 3
14E1009 Basic English Reading and Vocabulary II 2.0 3
14E1010 Learning English from Multimedia 2.0 3
14E1011 Basic News English 2.0 2
14E1012 English Pronunciation and Listening/ Speaking Training 2.0 2
14E1013 Basic Workplace English 2.0 2
14E1015 Basic Grammar and Writing Skills 2.0 2
14E1016 Basic Situational English Conversation 2.0 2
14E1017 Basic Grammar and Writing about Popular Culture 2.0 2
14E1018 Basic English Reading and Vocabulary I 2.0 2
14E1019 Basic English Reading and Vocabulary II 2.0 2
14E1020 Learning English from Multimedia 2.0 2
14E1021 Basic English pronunciation training 2.0 2
14E1022 Basic News English I 2.0 2
14E1023 Basic News English II 2.0 2
14E1024 Basic English Oral Training 2.0 2
14E1025 Basic Workplace English I 2.0 2
14E1026 Basic Workplace English II 2.0 2
14E1027 Basic English for Technology I 2.0 2
14E1028 Basic English for Technology II 2.0 2
14E1029 Learning English from Multimedia I 2.0 2
14E1030 Learning English from Multimedia II 2.0 2
14E2001 Learning English through Short Novels 2.0 3
14E2002 English and Visual Culture 2.0 3
14E2003 Intermediate News English 2.0 3
14E2004 English, Love and Culture 2.0 3
14E2005 Film English 2.0 3
14E2006 Intermediate Grammar, Writing and Movies 2.0 3
14E2007 Reading Western Classics 2.0 3
14E2008 Intermediate Grammar, Writing and Current World Events 2.0 3
14E2009 Intermediate English Reading and Vocabulary 2.0 3
14E2010 ESP(Design) 2.0 3
14E2011 ESP(Engineering) 2.0 3
14E2012 ESP(Management) 2.0 3
14E2013 ESP(Humanities and social sciences) 2.0 3
14E2014 ESP(Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) 2.0 3
14E2015 English language Proficiency Tests 2.0 3
14E2016 ESP(Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 2.0 3
14E2017 Intermediate English Reading and Vocabulary I 2.0 3
14E2018 Intermediate English Reading and Vocabulary II 2.0 3
14E2019 Reading in Business English 2.0 3
14E2020 English Presentation Skills and Practice 2.0 3
14E2021 Learning English through Short Novels 2.0 2
14E2022 English and Visual Culture 2.0 2
14E2023 Intermediate News English 2.0 2
14E2024 English, Love and Culture 2.0 2
14E2025 Film English 2.0 2
14E2026 Intermediate Grammar, Writing and Movies 2.0 2
14E2027 Reading Western Classics 2.0 2
14E2028 Intermediate Grammar, Writing and Current World Events 2.0 2
14E2030 ESP(Design) 2.0 2
14E2031 ESP(Engineering) 2.0 2
14E2032 ESP(Management) 2.0 2
14E2033 ESP(Humanities and social sciences) 2.0 2
14E2034 ESP(Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) 2.0 2
14E2036 ESP(Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 2.0 2
14E2037 Intermediate English Reading and Vocabulary I 2.0 2
14E2038 Intermediate English Reading and Vocabulary II 2.0 2
14E2039 Reading in Business English 2.0 2
14E2040 English Presentation Skills and Practice 2.0 2
14E2041 Preparing for TOEFL iBT: Essential Vocabulary 2.0 2
14E2042 English in the Digital Age 2.0 2
14E2043 English for World Affairs 2.0 2
14E2044 English for Streaming and Digital Media 2.0 2
14E2045 English pronunciation training 2.0 2
14E2046 English for Social and Political Issues 2.0 2
14E2047 English for Economic Affairs 2.0 2
14E2048 English for Science, Technology, and Engineering 2.0 2
14E2049 English for Information Technology 2.0 2
14E2050 English for Business Communication 2.0 2
14E2051 English for Tourism Professionals 2.0 2
14E2052 English for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.0 2
14E2053 Advanced Critical Reading and Thinking in English 2.0 2
14E2054 ESP(Design) I 2.0 2
14E2055 ESP(Design) II 2.0 2
14E2056 ESP(Engineering) I 2.0 2
14E2057 ESP(Engineering) II 2.0 2
14E2058 ESP(Management) I 2.0 2
14E2059 ESP(Management) II 2.0 2
14E2060 ESP(Humanities and social sciences) I 2.0 2
14E2061 ESP(Humanities and social sciences) II 2.0 2
14E2062 ESP(Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) I 2.0 2
14E2063 ESP(Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) II 2.0 2
14E2064 ESP(Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) I 2.0 2
14E2065 ESP(Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) II 2.0 2
14E2066 ntermediate English: Listening and Reading 2.0 2
14E2067 Intermediate English: Speaking and Writing 2.0 2
14E2068 Reading in Business English I 2.0 2
14E2069 Reading in Business English II 2.0 2
14E2070 Academic Presentations in English 2.0 2
14E2071 Business Presentations in English 2.0 2
14E2072 English for World Affairs I 2.0 2
14E2073 English for World Affairs II 2.0 2
14E2074 English for Social Issues 2.0 2
14E2075 English for Economic Affairs 2.0 2
14E2076 English for Science, Technology, and Engineering I 2.0 2
14E2077 English for Science, Technology, and Engineering II 2.0 2
14E2078 English for Information Technology I 2.0 2
14E2079 English for Information Technology II 2.0 2
14E2080 English for Innovation and Entrepreneurship I 2.0 2
14E2081 English for Innovation and Entrepreneurship II 2.0 2
14E3001 English presentations for academic purposes 2.0 3
14E3002 English for Business Presentations 2.0 3
14E3003 Learning English through American Mass Media 2.0 3
14E3004 Advanced News English 2.0 3
14E3005 Internet Media English 2.0 3
14E3006 English and the City 2.0 3
14E3007 Advanced Grammar, Writing and Critical Thinking Skills 2.0 3
14E3008 Advanced Grammar, Writing and Introduction to Western Philosophy 2.0 3
14E3009 Advanced English Reading and Vocabulary 2.0 3
14E3010 Advanced ESP (Design) 2.0 3
14E3011 Advanced ESP (Management) 2.0 3
14E3012 Advanced ESP (Engineering) 2.0 3
14E3013 Advanced ESP (Humanities and social sciences) 2.0 3
14E3014 Advanced ESP (Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) 2.0 3
14E3015 Advanced ESP (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 2.0 3
14E3016 Advanced English Reading and Vocabulary I 2.0 3
14E3017 Advanced English Reading and Vocabulary II 2.0 3
14E3018 Film Studies in English 2.0 3
14E3019 Global Issues and Trends 2.0 3
14E3020 Advanced ESP (Design) 2.0 2
14E3021 Advanced ESP (Management) 2.0 2
14E3022 Advanced ESP (Engineering) 2.0 2
14E3023 Advanced ESP (Humanities and social sciences) 2.0 2
14E3024 Advanced ESP (Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) 2.0 2
14E3025 Advanced ESP (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 2.0 2
14E3026 Advanced English Reading and Vocabulary I 2.0 2
14E3027 Advanced English Reading and Vocabulary II 2.0 2
14E3028 Film Studies in English 2.0 2
14E3029 Global Issues and Trends 2.0 2
14E3041 English presentations for academic purposes 2.0 2
14E3042 English for Business Presentations 2.0 2
14E3043 Learning English through American Mass Media 2.0 2
14E3044 Advanced News English 2.0 2
14E3045 Internet Media English 2.0 2
14E3046 English and the City 2.0 2
14E3047 Advanced Grammar, Writing and Critical Thinking Skills 2.0 2
14E3048 Advanced Grammar, Writing and Introduction to Western Philosophy 2.0 2
14E3049 Preparing for TOEFL iBT: Speaking and Writing 2.0 2
14E3050 Preparing for TOEFL iBT: Listening and Reading 2.0 2
14E3051 Advanced English for World Affairs 2.0 2
14E3052 Advanced English for Social and Political Issues 2.0 2
14E3053 Advanced English for Economic Affairs 2.0 2
14E3054 Preparing for IELTS: Speaking and Writing 2.0 2
14E3055 Preparing for IELTS: Listening and Reading 2.0 2
14E3056 Advanced English for Science, Technology, and Engineering 2.0 2
14E3057 Advanced English for Information Technology 2.0 2
14E3058 English for Academic Purposes 2.0 2
14E3059 Critical Reading and Thinking in English 2.0 2
14E3060 English for Sports 2.0 2
14E3061 English for SDGs 2.0 2
14E3062 Advanced ESP (Design) I 2.0 2
14E3063 Advanced ESP (Design) II 2.0 2
14E3064 Advanced ESP (Management) I 2.0 2
14E3065 Advanced ESP (Management) II 2.0 2
14E3066 Advanced ESP (Engineering) I 2.0 2
14E3067 Advanced ESP (Engineering) II 2.0 2
14E3068 Advanced ESP (Humanities and social sciences) I 2.0 2
14E3069 Advanced ESP (Humanities and social sciences) II 2.0 2
14E3070 Advanced ESP (Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) I 2.0 2
14E3071 Advanced ESP (Mechanical & Electrical Engineering) II 2.0 2
14E3072 Advanced ESP (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) I 2.0 2
14E3073 Advanced ESP (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) II 2.0 2
14E3074 Advanced English: Listening and Reading 2.0 2
14E3075 Advanced English: Speaking and Writing 2.0 2
14E3076 Advanced English presentations for Academic purposes 2.0 2
14E3077 Advanced English for Business Presentations 2.0 2
14E3078 Standardized Tests: Speaking and Writing 2.0 2
14E3079 Standardized Tests: Listening and Reading 2.0 2
14E3080 Advanced English for Economic Affairs 2.0 2
14E3081 Advanced English for Science, Technology, and Engineering I 2.0 2
14E3082 Advanced English for Science, Technology, and Engineering II 2.0 2
14E3083 Advanced English for Information Technology I 2.0 2
14E3084 Advanced English for Information Technology II 2.0 2
14E3085 English for Academic Purposes I 2.0 2
14E3086 English for Academic Purposes I 2.0 2
14E3087 English for SDGs 2.0 2
14E4001 Discussions on Global Issues and Trends I 2.0 3
14E4002 Discussions on Global Issues and Trends II 2.0 3
14E4003 Literature and Society I 2.0 3
14E4004 Literature and Society II 2.0 3
14E4011 Discussions on Global Issues and Trends I 2.0 2
14E4012 Discussions on Global Issues and Trends II 2.0 2
14E4013 Literature and Society I 2.0 2
14E4014 Literature and Society II 2.0 2
14E4015 Global Issues and Trends I 2.0 2
14E4016 Global Issues and Trends II 2.0 2
14E4017 Contemporary Cultural Issues I 2.0 2
14E4018 Contemporary Cultural Issues II 2.0 2