系科所 | 課程編碼 | 課程名稱 | 英文課程名稱 | 總學分數 | 總時數
| 5605001
| 論文
| Thesis
| 6.0
| 6
| 製科所
| 5605002
| 專題討論
| Engineering Seminar
| 2.0
| 4
| 製科所
| 5605003
| 製造科技特論及實驗(一)
| Special Topics and Experiments of Manufacturing Technology (I)
| 4.0
| 6
| 製科所
| 5605004
| 製造科技特論及實驗(二)
| Special Topics and Experiments of Manufacturing Technology (II)
| 4.0
| 6
| 製科所
| 5605005
| 現代製造技術
| Modern Manufacturing Technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605006
| 電腦輔助設計及製造
| Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605007
| 鍍膜工程
| Engineering of Films Coating
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605008
| 雷射加工技術
| Technology of Laser Material Processing
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605009
| 先進半導體製程
| Advanced IC Fabrication Process
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605010
| 封裝技術
| Packaging Technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605011
| 製造系統
| Manufacturing System
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605012
| 微機電系統
| Micro Electro-mechanical System
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605013
| 機器人學
| Robotics
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605014
| 精密機械設計
| Design of Precision Machinery
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605015
| 工程磨潤學
| Engineering Tribology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605016
| 精密機械控制
| Precision Machinery Dynamics and Control
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605017
| 精密機械評鑑
| Precision Machinery Measurement and Identification
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605018
| 實驗力學
| Experimental Mechanics
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605019
| 光電精密量測
| Opto-electronic Methods in Precision Measurement
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605020
| 表面分析技術及應用
| Surface Analysis Techniques and Application
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605021
| 高等材料性質學
| Advances of Materials Properties
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605022
| 材料機械性質
| Mechanical Behaviors of Material
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605023
| X光繞射學
| X-Ray Diffraction
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605024
| 製程動力學
| Kinetics in Manufacturing Process
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605025
| 數值分析
| Numerical Analysis
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605026
| 工程分析
| Engineering Analysis
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605027
| 有限元素分析
| Finite Element Analysis
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605028
| 機械振動學
| Mechanical Vibrations
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605029
| 結構動態測試理論及實務
| Theory and Practice of Structural Dynamic Testing
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605030
| 多剛體動力學
| Multi-Body Dynamics
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605031
| 非線性振動
| Nonlinear Vibration
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605032
| 機構運動分析
| Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605033
| 機構運動合成
| Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605034
| 可靠度設計
| Reliability Based Design
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605035
| 工程最佳化及應用
| Engineerung Optimization Methods and Applications
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605036
| 高等燃燒學
| Advanced Combustion Theory
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605037
| 流體力學導論
| Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605038
| 熱模流及實驗
| Thermal Modeling Lab.
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605039
| 高等數值熱傳
| Advanced Numerical Heat Transfer
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605040
| 熱對流
| Convetive Heat Transfer
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605041
| 機械系統設計與分析
| Mechanical System Design and Analysis
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605042
| 機構運動幾何學
| Kinematic Geometry of Mechanisms
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605043
| 現代製造技術特論
| Special topics of modern manufacturing technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605044
| 快速原型技術
| Rapid prototyping Technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605045
| 非傳統加工與控制
| Nontraditional Manufacturing Methods and Controls
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605046
| 實驗設計
| Experimental Design
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605047
| 精密傳動設計
| Precision Transmission Design
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605048
| 精密機械精度分析與控制
| Analysis and control of Accuracy for precision Machinery
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605049
| 製造量測學
| Measurements in Manufacturing
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605050
| 感測器研製及應用
| Advanced Application of Sensor and Transducer Mechatronic
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605051
| 精密機械
| Mechatronics in Precision Machinery
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605052
| 數值熱傳與監控
| Numerical Heat Transfer and Control
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605053
| 高等電腦輔助機構分析
| Advanced Computer-aided Mechanism Analysis
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605054
| 創新設計研究
| Research on Creative Design
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605055
| 微加工技術
| Micro machining Technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605056
| 材料與結構非破壞檢測
| Non-Destructive Testing of Materials and Structures
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605057
| 材料接合技術
| Joining processes
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605058
| 逆向工程原理與實務
| Reverse Engineering Theory and Practice
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605059
| 科技英文
| English for Science and Technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605060
| 數位化製造特論
| Special Topic on e-Manufacturing
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605061
| 高等材料力學
| Advanced Mechanics of Materials
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605062
| 科技英文寫作
| English for Science and Technology
| 1.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605063
| 技術講座
| Concurrent Engineering Technique Workshop
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605064
| 液晶顯示器原理與製程
| Principle and Process of TFT-LCD
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605065
| 工程資料管理
| Mechanical Engineering and Data Management
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605066
| 光學流體量測技術
| Optical Techniques of Fluids Measurements
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605067
| 全球製造體系協同系統特論
| Special Topic on Collaborative Systems for Global Manufacturing Operations
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605068
| RFID應用實務
| RFID Applications and Practices
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605069
| 塑性加工特論
| Special Topic on plastic metal working
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605070
| 產品設計與模擬
| Product design and simulation
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605071
| 高等品質管理
| Advanced Quality Management
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605072
| 電腦輔助成形分析技術及實驗
| Computer aided forming analysis techniques and Lab.
| 1.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605073
| 模具工程
| Mold engineering
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605074
| 生醫材料
| Biomaterials
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605075
| 電子顯微鏡
| Electron Microscopy
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605076
| 智慧化製造系統
| Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605077
| 自動化光學檢測
| Automated Optical Inspection
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605078
| 平面顯示器檢測技術與設備
| Manufacturing Technologies and Equipments of Flat Panel Display
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605079
| 光電系統與應用
| optical systems and applications
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605080
| 製造科技特論(A)
| Special Topics on Manufacturing Technology (A)
| 1.0
| 1
| 製科所
| 5605081
| 製造科技特論(B)
| Special Topics on Manufacturing Technology (B)
| 2.0
| 2
| 製科所
| 5605082
| 製造科技特論(C)
| Special Topics on Manufacturing Technology (C)
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605083
| 核能安全
| Nuclear Power Reactor Safety
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605084
| 高等材料性質學與實習
| Advanced Properties of Materials and Related Practice
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605085
| 創意性工程設計
| Creativity Engineering Design
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605086
| 環安工程
| Environment, Safety and Health Engineerin
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605087
| 積層製造技術
| The technology of additive manufacturing
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605088
| 預測型診斷維護與監督
| Principles and Applications of Predictive Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Monitoring
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605089
| 精實製造系統
| Lean Manufacturing Systems
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605090
| 智能化生產技術
| Intelligent Production Technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605091
| 生醫製造學
| Biofabrication
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605092
| 彈性力學
| Elasticity
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605093
| 顆粒物質流導論
| Introduction to granular material flows
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605094
| 銲接冶金
| Welding Metallurgy
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605095
| 人工智慧的基礎與創新(一)
| Foundations and Advances in Artificial Intelligence I
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605096
| 人工智慧的基礎與創新(二)
| Foundations and Advances in Artificial Intelligence II
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605901
| 科技英文
| English for Science and Technology
| 2.0
| 2
| 製科所
| 5605902
| 配管原理與實務
| Principles and Practical of piping
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5605903
| 航太結構與材料
| Aerospace structure and materials
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5606001
| 奈米材料與製程
| Nanostructured Materials Processing
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5606002
| 醫療器材研發與認證
| Design and Certification of Medical Devices
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5606003
| 半導體元件與製程模擬
| Simulation for Semiconductor Device and Process Technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5606004
| 高等電腦輔助工程分析
| Advanced Computer Aided Engineering Analysis
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5606005
| 校外實務研究
| Graduate On-Site Research
| 3.0
| 18
| 製科所
| 5607001
| 現代製造科技研究
| Research on Modern Manufacturing Technology
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5607002
| 奈米材料特性與檢測
| Properties of Nanomaterials and Inspection
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5607003
| 分子動力學模擬
| Molecular Dynamics Simulation
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5607004
| 博士論文
| Doctoral Dissertation
| 12.0
| 12
| 製科所
| 5607005
| 實務研究特論
| Special Topics on Practice R&D
| 4.0
| 8
| 製科所
| 5607006
| 英文科技論文寫作
| Technical English Writing
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5607007
| 科技英文表達
| Technical English Presentation
| 3.0
| 3
| 製科所
| 5607008
| 實務技術研發實習
| Internship of practical technology research and development
| 1.0
| 40
| |