List of Credits for Graduation

Academic Year 2022, Four-Year Program, Department of Electrical Engineering

Course IDCourse NameCreditsHoursLevelNote
1 1 1001002 Physical Education 0.0 2 1 / 4  
1 1 1101007 All-Out Defense Education 0.0 1    
1 1 1400038 English Communication and Application I (ECA Courses) 2.0 3    
1 1 1400100 Campus Custodial Services 0.0 1    
1 1 1400102 First step to achieving the goals of universities and Engineering Ethics 1.0 2    
1 1 1404006 Chinese 2.0 2    
1 1 1420001 College designated dimension curriculum:Humanities and Art 2.0 2 1 / 2  
1 1 1401039 Calculus 3.0 4 1 / 2  
1 1 1401041 Physics 3.0 3 1 / 2  
1 1 1401043 Physics Lab. 1.0 3 1 / 2  
1 1 3101098 Programming and lab 3.0 3    
1 1 3101099 Digital Logic Design 3.0 3    
1 1 3101095 Fundamentals of /electrical Engineering 3.0 3    
1 1 3101096 Basic Circuit Theory Laboratory (I) 1.0 3    
1 1 3113602 Linear Algebra 3.0 3    
1 1 C501001 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 1.0 1    
1 2 1001002 Physical Education 0.0 2 2 / 4  
1 2 1400039 English Communication and Application II (ECA Courses) 2.0 3    
1 2 1400099 Service Learning 0.0 1    
1 2 1404007 Practical Application of Chinese Language 2.0 2    
1 2 1420001 College designated dimension curriculum:Humanities and Art 2.0 2 2 / 2  
1 2 1401039 Calculus 3.0 4 2 / 2  
1 2 1401041 Physics 3.0 3 2 / 2  
1 2 1401043 Physics Lab. 1.0 3 2 / 2  
1 2 3101100 Digital Logic Design Experiments 1.0 3    
1 2 1102009 All-Out Defense Education 1.0 1    
1 2 3101043 Programming Language 3.0 3    
1 2 3101045 Data Structure 3.0 3    
1 2 3101097 Basic Circuit Theory Laboratory (II) 1.0 3    
2 1 1001002 Physical Education 0.0 2 3 / 4  
2 1 1420003 College designated dimension curriculum:Nature and Science 2.0 2 1 / 2  
2 1 1420004 College designated dimension curriculum:Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.0 2 1 / 2  
2 1 14E0003 English for Specific Purposes (ESP Course) 2.0 2 1 / 2  
2 1 3101082 Electric Circuit Theory (I) 3.0 3    
2 1 3102081 Electronics (I) 3.0 3    
2 1 3102082 Engineering Mathematics (I) 3.0 3    
2 1 3102091 Electronics Lab. (I) 1.0 3    
2 1 3102097 Probability 3.0 3    
2 1 3101044 Assembly Language 3.0 3    
2 1 3102103 Space Science & Technology Applications 2.0 2    
2 1 3102104 Computer Networks 3.0 3    
2 1 3113001 Object-oriented programming 3.0 3    
2 2 1001002 Physical Education 0.0 2 4 / 4  
2 2 1420003 College designated dimension curriculum:Nature and Science 2.0 2 2 / 2  
2 2 1420004 College designated dimension curriculum:Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.0 2 2 / 2  
2 2 14E0003 English for Specific Purposes (ESP Course) 2.0 2 2 / 2  
2 2 3102041 Microprocessor 3.0 3    
2 2 3102083 Circuit Theory (II) 3.0 3    
2 2 3102084 Electronics (II) 3.0 3    
2 2 3102085 Engineering Mathematics (II) 3.0 3    
2 2 3102092 Electronics Lab. (II) 1.0 3    
2 2 3102086 Network Analysis 3.0 3    
2 2 3102100 Mobile Phone Programming 3.0 3    
2 2 3102101 The Integrated System Design of Multiple Precision Sensor 3.0 3    
2 2 3102102 Deep Learning with TensorFlow 3.0 3    
2 2 3102902 Programmable Logic Controller Applications and Lab. 3.0 3    
2 2 3102903 Fundamentals of Telecommunications 3.0 3    
2 2 3103104 Introduction to Electro-Optical Technology 3.0 3    
2 2 3104710 Science and technology Japanese 3.0 3    
2 2 3112112 Programmable Logic Controller Applications 3.0 3    
2 2 3112702 Discrete Mathematics 3.0 3    
3 1 1420005 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2    
3 1 1420006 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2    
3 1 3103064 Signals and Systems 3.0 3    
3 1 1003003 Physical Education 1.0 2    
3 1 3102093 Microprocessor Lab. 1.0 3    
3 1 3103011 Power System (I) 3.0 3    
3 1 3103016 Electric Machinery (I) 3.0 3    
3 1 3103030 Sensor and Converter Technology 3.0 3    
3 1 3103034 Digital System 3.0 3    
3 1 3103035 Operating Systems 3.0 3    
3 1 3103037 Power Electronics 3.0 3    
3 1 3103039 Linear Electronics 3.0 3    
3 1 3103051 Energy Applications 3.0 3    
3 1 3103061 Complex Variables 3.0 3    
3 1 3103081 Electromagnetics 3.0 3    
3 1 3103093 Digital System Lab. 1.0 3    
3 1 3103098 Linear Electronics Lab. 1.0 3    
3 1 3103108 Introduction to Satellite Technology and Engineering 3.0 3    
3 1 3113709 Elements and Material of Semiconductor 3.0 3    
3 2 1400029 Internship 2.0 40    
3 2 1420007 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2    
3 2 3113710 Special Projects (I) 2.0 6    
3 2 1003004 Physical Education 1.0 2    
3 2 3101094 Computer Architecture 3.0 3    
3 2 3103012 Power System (II) 3.0 3    
3 2 3103017 Electric Machinery (II) 3.0 3    
3 2 3103021 Control System 3.0 3    
3 2 3103031 Industrial Electronics 3.0 3    
3 2 3103042 Numerical Methods 3.0 3    
3 2 3103062 Communication Systems 3.0 3    
3 2 3103063 Communication System Lab. 1.0 3    
3 2 3103065 Electromagnetic Wave 3.0 3    
3 2 3103066 Digital Signal Processing 3.0 3    
3 2 3103091 Electric Machinery Lab. (I) 1.0 3    
3 2 3103099 Power Electronics Lab. 1.0 3    
3 2 3103102 Linux System Administration 3.0 3    
3 2 3103103 Integrated circuits fabrication technologies 3.0 3    
3 2 3103106 Introduction to Computer System 3.0 3    
3 2 3103107 Baseband Communication Integrated Circuits Design Laboratory 3.0 3    
3 2 3103903 Digital VLSI Design and Layout 3.0 3    
3 2 3104024 Mechatronics 3.0 3    
3 2 3104502 Applications of Computer Network 3.0 3    
3 2 3104805 English practice and training for engineers 3.0 3    
3 2 3113003 Advanced Power Electronics LAB 1.0 3    
3 2 3113004 Design of Digital System 3.0 3    
3 2 3113005 Design of Digital System LAB 1.0 3    
3 2 3113704 Semiconductor Fabrication Technology 3.0 3    
3 2 3114102 Advanced Electronic Circuits 3.0 3    
3 2 3114109 Mechatronics Practice 1.0 3    
4 1 3114703 Special Projects(II) 2.0 6    
4 1 1004001 Physical Education 1.0 2    
4 1 3103092 Electric Machinery Lab. (II) 1.0 3    
4 1 3103904 Experiments on digital control of permanent magnet synchrono 1.0 3    
4 1 3104011 Power Distribution Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 3104021 Electric Machine Control 3.0 3    
4 1 3104061 Digital Communication 3.0 3    
4 1 3104091 Electric Machine Control Lab. 1.0 3    
4 1 3104092 Control System Lab. 1.0 3    
4 1 3104099 Employment Lecture 1.0 1    
4 1 3104105 Cloud Infrastructure : Virtualization 3.0 3    
4 1 3104106 Principles and Practices of Parallel Programming 3.0 3    
4 1 3104107 Advanced Engineering English 0.0 3    
4 1 3104108 Design of FPGA System LAB 1.0 3    
4 1 3104113 Intelligent Building Systems Integration Platform 3.0 3    
4 1 3104116 Autonomous Learning 1.0 2    
4 1 3104117 Design of Automatic Machinery 3.0 3    
4 1 3104121 Assessment for Green Energy Generation Interconnected on Grid 3.0 3    
4 1 3104128 Railway Power and Electromechanical Systems 3.0 3    
4 1 3104129 Digital Image 2.0 2    
4 1 3104130 Fundamentals of Machine Learning 3.0 3    
4 1 3104704 Switching Power Supply 3.0 3    
4 1 3104705 Virtual Reality 3.0 3    
4 1 3104708 Analog Circuit Design and Layout 3.0 3    
4 1 3104712 Digital Communication Lab 1.0 3    
4 1 3104806 Management and Innovation of High-Technology Business 3.0 3    
4 1 3104807 Winning Your Lifetime's First Job 1.0 1    
4 1 3113002 Advanced Power Electronics 3.0 3    
4 1 3113903 Digital Signal Processing Lab. 1.0 3    
4 1 3114001 Introduction to Database 3.0 3    
4 1 3114005 Power Generation & Distribution Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 3114006 Computer Organization 3.0 3    
4 1 3114909 Image Processing Project 3.0 3    
4 2 1004002 Physical Education 1.0 2    
4 2 3102073 Industrial Economics 3.0 3    
4 2 3104022 Digital Control 3.0 3    
4 2 3104042 Computer Graphics 3.0 3    
4 2 3104072 Design of Illumination Engineering 3.0 3    
4 2 3104097 Semester Intership 9.0 40    
4 2 3104098 Computer Vision 3.0 3    
4 2 3104100 Lecture: Employment Enhancement 1.0 1    
4 2 3104103 Development of global perspective:Vietnam culture and languageⅡ 2.0 2    
4 2 3104104 Robotics and Automation Applications 3.0 3    
4 2 3104109 Design of Analog IC LAB 1.0 3    
4 2 3104110 Design of mixed-mode IC LAB 1.0 3    
4 2 3104114 Intelligent Building System Design 3.0 3    
4 2 3104115 Intelligent Applications of Internet of Things 3.0 3    
4 2 3104118 Practice in electrical engineering technology patent application 3.0 3    
4 2 3104119 Power Electronic Technologies for Offshore Wind Farms 3.0 3    
4 2 3104120 Design and Practice of Integrated Circuit Layout 3.0 3    
4 2 3104122 Power Delivery Technologies for Offshore Wind Farms 3.0 3    
4 2 3104123 Power Field Project Verification for Offshore Wind Farms 3.0 3    
4 2 3104124 Satellite Electrical System Design 3.0 3    
4 2 3104125 Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control 3.0 3    
4 2 3104126 Spacecraft Mechanical System Design 3.0 3    
4 2 3104127 Globalization, Engineering, and Technology 2.0 2    
4 2 3104131 On-Job Practical Internship 3.0 40    
4 2 3104706 Network Security 3.0 3    
4 2 3104800 Corporate Finance Theory and Practice 3.0 3    
4 2 3104801 Technology Laws 2.0 2    
4 2 3104804 Intellectual Property 2.0 2    
4 2 3114002 Introduction to Software Engineering 3.0 3    
4 2 3114003 Image Processing 3.0 3    
4 2 3114004 Writing and presentation in the Technical Field 3.0 3    
4 2 3114029 Optical fiber Communications 3.0 3    

Note :
1. Minimum credits for graduation: 133 credits.
2. Common required credits (required credits in common courses): 33 credits; Major required credits (required credits in major courses): 54 credits; Major elective credits (elective credits in major courses): 46 credits.
3. Major elective credits for cross-department (or cross-university) are up to 15 credits at most upon approval.
(For interdisciplinary study, major elective credits are at least 2 credits for inter-departmental course taking, 6 credits for inter-collegiate course taking before graduation. The same course cannot be taken twice no matter which department held by.)
4. All undergraduate students are required to reach the minimum level of English proficiency or above as one of the necessary requirements for graduation. For more details on the relevant standards of English proficiency, please consult with the website of the Office of Academic Affairs, National Taipei University of Technology.
5. (1) Fundamental Experiment Classes includes Programming and Lab, Digital Logic Design Experiments, Electronics Lab (I), and Electronics Lab (II).
(2) The total number of the Fundamental Experiment Classes (M) = minimum number of courses (N) = 4. All the 4 courses are the department major required courses, and are required for graduation.
6. For graduation, (1) students must take at least two of the following three elective courses: Power Systems (I), Electric Machinery (I), and Power Electronics. (2) Students must take at least two of the following three elective courses: Digital Systems, Control Systems, and Communication Systems.
7. For graduation, students must take at least four of the following five elective courses:
(1) Electric Machinery Lab (I).
(2) Power Electronics Lab.
(3) Control System Lab.
(4) Microprocessor Lab.
(5) Communication System Lab or Digital Signal Processing Lab (if both are taken, only one is valid).
8.The seven fundamental courses as demanded by the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science include: Circuit Theory I, Circuit Theory II, Electronics I, Electronics II, Linear Algebra, Probability, and Digital Logic Design. Student who receives a failing grade of any of those fundamental courses for the first time is allowed to enroll in and take the same course offered by the departments in the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for the graduate requirements.
9. (1) Basic Circuit Theory Laboratory (I) is only available for attending specialized teacher training courses of secondary schools (electrical, electronic, and control division) or for attending summer placement courses for senior high school students. Basic Circuit Theory Laboratory (II) is only available for attending specialized teacher training courses of secondary schools (electrical, electronic, and control division).
(2) Both Basic Circuit Theory Laboratory (I) and Basic Circuit Theory Laboratory (II) are not valid for graduation credits, except the case of senior high school students take Basic Circuit Theory Laboratory (I) for attending the summer placement.
10.The dimension credits stipulated by each college are as follows:
College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: 4 credits for the humanities and art curriculum, 4 credits for the nature and science curriculum, and 4 credits for the innovation and entrepreneurship curriculum.
After completing 12 credits from the dimensional curriculum designated by the college, the remaining 6 credits are open for selection from these curriculums:humanities and art; Social and Rules of Law; nature and science; innovation and entrepreneurship, until a total of 18 credits of general curriculum are completed for graduation.
11.Students who take "Semester Internship" have an exemption on the common required course "Internships." However, students should take other department major required credits as common required credits for fulfilling the "Internships" credits.
12.For the students who take "double-degree" program and go abroad to attend courses in partner schools, their courses should be confirmed as graduation credits by the department chairman or department curriculum committee, subject to the provisions of the agreement.
13.Students from foreign countries, Hong Kong, and Macao, whose graduating schools are comparable in level and nature to Taiwan’s senior high schools and whose graduating year is equivalent to the 2nd grade of Taiwan’s senior high schools, are considered as having a level of education adequate for registering for the entrance examination for the various 4-year bachelor programs in Taiwan’s universities. Suchlike undergraduate students, when admitted to National Taipei University of Technology’s Bachelor programs, are required to earn extra 12 credit units from the elective courses defined in their respective departments’ curriculum tables.
14.Before graduating, a student must finish the following cross-disciplinary courses. A student must take at least one course with at least 2 credits offered by the other three departments in the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. A student must take at least two courses from other departments outside the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for at least 6 credits, including: cross campus courses, professional on the job English transition project serious courses, last-mile courses, cross-disciplinary special project courses, and courses offered by the administration for the priority projects. Alternatively, a student must take at least three courses from other departments outside the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for at least 8 credits. Those credits count for cross-disciplinary courses. In addition, it is not allowed to take those course offered by other department that the major department of the student also offers the same course. When necessary, credits earned from other departments can be cumulated without limits.
15.In addition, for those students who have finished the secondary expertise modular courses, are regarded as fulfilling the foregoing cross-disciplinary learning courses.
16.This course guide is effective for students admitted in 2022 fall.