List of Credits for Graduation

Academic Year 2021, Four-Year Program, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Course IDCourse NameCreditsHoursLevelNote
1 1 1001002 Physical Education 0.0 2 1 / 4  
1 1 1101006 All-Out Defense Education 0.0 1 1 / 2  
1 1 1400027 English in Practice 2.0 3 1 / 2  
1 1 1400099 Service Learning 0.0 1    
1 1 1400102 First step to achieving the goals of universities and Engineering Ethics 1.0 2    
1 1 1404006 Chinese 2.0 2    
1 1 1420001 College designated dimension curriculum:Humanities and Art 2.0 2 1 / 2  
1 1 1401032 Calculus 3.0 3 1 / 2  
1 1 5901202 Introduction to Computer Science 3.0 3    
1 1 5901207 Digital Logic Design 3.0 3    
1 1 5901209 Computer Programming(Ⅰ) 3.0 3  
1 1 5901212 Physics 3.0 3    
1 1 C501001 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 1.0 1    
1 2 1001002 Physical Education 0.0 2 2 / 4  
1 2 1101006 All-Out Defense Education 0.0 1 2 / 2  
1 2 1400027 English in Practice 2.0 3 2 / 2  
1 2 1400100 Campus Custodial Services 0.0 1    
1 2 1404007 Practical Application of Chinese Language 2.0 2    
1 2 1420001 College designated dimension curriculum:Humanities and Art 2.0 2 2 / 2  
1 2 1401032 Calculus 3.0 3 2 / 2  
1 2 5901201 Discrete Mathematics 3.0 3    
1 2 5901210 Computer Programming(Ⅱ) 3.0 3  
1 2 5901213 Digital Logic Design Lab. 1.0 3  
1 2 5902204 Computer Organization 3.0 3    
2 1 1001002 Physical Education 0.0 2 3 / 4  
2 1 1420003 College designated dimension curriculum:Nature and Science 2.0 2 1 / 2  
2 1 1420004 College designated dimension curriculum:Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.0 2 1 / 2  
2 1 14E0002 Diversified English 2.0 2 1 / 2  
2 1 5901205 Linear Algebra 3.0 3    
2 1 5901206 Object-Oriented Programming 3.0 3    
2 1 5902201 Data Structure 3.0 3    
2 1 5902207 Microprocessor-Based Systems 3.0 3    
2 1 5902203 Engineering Mathematics 3.0 3    
2 1 5902303 Circuit Theory 3.0 3    
2 1 5902306 Multimedia Technologies and Applications 3.0 3    
2 1 5902309 Multimedia Extraction and Interaction Technology 3.0 3    
2 1 5902313 Circuit Theory (I) 3.0 3    
2 2 1001002 Physical Education 0.0 2 4 / 4  
2 2 1420003 College designated dimension curriculum:Nature and Science 2.0 2 2 / 2  
2 2 1420004 College designated dimension curriculum:Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2.0 2 2 / 2  
2 2 14E0002 Diversified English 2.0 2 2 / 2  
2 2 5902209 Object-Oriented Programming Labs 2.0 3  
2 2 5903201 Probability 3.0 3    
2 2 5903209 Microprocessor-Based-System Lab. 2.0 3  
2 2 5902205 Internet Techniques & Applications 3.0 3    
2 2 5902301 Data Communication Systems 3.0 3    
2 2 5902307 Electronic Circuits (I) 3.0 3    
2 2 5902310 Cloud Applications Practice 3.0 3    
2 2 5902311 Design Thinking for Interactive Technology 3.0 3    
2 2 5902312 Introduction to Data Science 3.0 3    
3 1 1420005 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2    
3 1 1420006 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2    
3 1 5902206 Database Systems 3.0 3    
3 1 5903203 Computer Networks 3.0 3    
3 1 5903204 Special Project(I) 1.0 2    
3 1 5903210 Undergraduate Seminars 1.0 2 1 / 2  
3 1 1003003 Physical Education 1.0 2    
3 1 5902305 Signals and Systems 3.0 3    
3 1 5903301 Windows Programming 3.0 3    
3 1 5903302 Computer Graphics 3.0 3    
3 1 5903303 Java Techniques & Applications 3.0 3    
3 1 5903304 Computer Architecture 3.0 3    
3 1 5903305 Digital System Design 3.0 3    
3 1 5903306 Electronic Circuits(II) 3.0 3    
3 1 5903308 Technology Management 3.0 3    
3 1 5903318 Introduction to Embedded Systems 3.0 3    
3 1 5903324 Game development 3.0 3    
3 1 5903325 Software Development Techniques and Practices 1.0 1    
3 1 5904367 Human Information Data Mining 3.0 3    
3 2 1400029 Internship 2.0 40    
3 2 1420007 Optional dimension curriculum 2.0 2    
3 2 5903206 Operating Systems 3.0 3    
3 2 5903208 Special Project(II) 3.0 6    
3 2 5903210 Undergraduate Seminars 1.0 2 2 / 2  
3 2 1003004 Physical Education 1.0 2    
3 2 5902304 Computer Algorithms 3.0 3    
3 2 5903309 Technical English 3.0 3    
3 2 5903313 Numerical Methods 3.0 3    
3 2 5903314 Digital Signal Processing 3.0 3    
3 2 5903315 Digital Communications 3.0 3    
3 2 5903317 Introduction to VLSI Design 3.0 3    
3 2 5903320 Android Application Development 3.0 3    
3 2 5903321 iOS App development 3.0 3    
3 2 5903322 Web Programming 3.0 3    
3 2 5903323 Introduction to Big Data Analytics 3.0 3    
3 2 5904313 Digital Image Processing 3.0 3    
4 1 5904202 Special Project(III) 2.0 4    
4 1 1004001 Physical Education 1.0 2    
4 1 5904301 Network Programming 3.0 3    
4 1 5904302 Software Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 5904304 Electronic Commerce Technologies 3.0 3    
4 1 5904305 Compilers 3.0 3    
4 1 5904310 Information Security 3.0 3    
4 1 5904319 Embedded Systems 3.0 3    
4 1 5904322 Design Pattern 3.0 3    
4 1 5904323 VLSI Design 3.0 3    
4 1 5904325 Mobile Internet: Technology & Applications 3.0 3    
4 1 5904326 Video Signal Processing 3.0 3    
4 1 5904327 Random Signals and Systems 3.0 3    
4 1 5904328 Introduction to Information Retrieval 3.0 3    
4 1 5904331 VLSI Design 3.0 3    
4 1 5904336 Product Planning 3.0 3    
4 1 5904338 Cloud Information Storage and Management 3.0 3    
4 1 5904339 Intelligent Agent System 3.0 3    
4 1 5904343 Data Visualization 3.0 3    
4 1 5904344 Cloud computing and application 3.0 3    
4 1 5904345 Introduction to Mainframe Operating System Technologies and Practices 3.0 3    
4 1 5904346 Internship I 3.0 40    
4 1 5904358 Advanced Computer Graphics 3.0 3    
4 1 5904360 Big Data Mining and Applications 3.0 3    
4 1 5904361 Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems 3.0 3    
4 1 5904363 Embedded Computing Systems for Intelligent Image Analytics and Interactive Systems 3.0 3    
4 1 5904364 Cloud Platform Technologies and Applications 3.0 3    
4 1 5904368 Social Media and Chatbot System Design 3.0 3    
4 1 5904369 Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Application System Design 3.0 3    
4 2 1004002 Physical Education 1.0 2    
4 2 5904315 Artificial Intelligence 3.0 3    
4 2 5904324 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 3.0 3    
4 2 5904329 Digital Processing of Audio Signals 3.0 3    
4 2 5904330 Software Project Management 3.0 3    
4 2 5904332 Entrepreneurship 3.0 3    
4 2 5904334 Computer Graphics 3.0 3    
4 2 5904335 Parallel Programming 3.0 3    
4 2 5904337 Embedded Multimedia System Design 3.0 3    
4 2 5904340 Embedded Multimedia Convergence Platform and Interaction Systems 3.0 3    
4 2 5904341 Broadband Convergence Networks and managements 3.0 3    
4 2 5904342 Patent Application Strategy 3.0 3    
4 2 5904347 Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms 3.0 3    
4 2 5904348 Internship II 9.0 40    
4 2 5904349 Human Computer Interaction on media convergence Platform 3.0 3    
4 2 5904350 Spatial Databases 3.0 3    
4 2 5904351 Mobile Application Development Technology 3.0 3    
4 2 5904352 Software Requirements and Specifications 3.0 3    
4 2 5904353 Computational Geometry 3.0 3    
4 2 5904354 In Search of Incredible(Incredible innovation-a series of lectures for Asus) 1.0 1    
4 2 5904356 Computer Typography and Character Encoding 3.0 3    
4 2 5904357 Autonomous Learning 1.0 2    
4 2 5904359 Software Quality Assurance 3.0 3    
4 2 5904362 Machine Learning 3.0 3    
4 2 5904365 Principles and Applications of Data Science 3.0 3    
4 2 5904366 Computational Biology and Medical Informatics 3.0 3    
4 2 5904370 Concurrent Computing 3.0 3    
4 2 5904371 Intelligent Evolutionary Computation 3.0 3    
4 2 5904372 File and Storage System 3.0 3    

Note :
1.Minimum number of credits for graduation: 132 credits.
2.Students are required to complete at least 33 credits of Common Required Courses; 64 credits of Professional Required Courses; 35 credits of Professional Elective Courses (ONLY maximum 15 Elective credits of non-CSIE courses may be approved to be eligible for graduate credits).
3.All undergraduate students are required to meet the minimum English Proficiency requirement for graduation. For the regulations of English Proficiency graduation requirement, see the website of the Office of Academic Affairs, National Taipei University of Technology.
4.The dimension credits stipulated by each college are as follows:
College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: 4 credits for the humanities and art curriculum, 4 credits for the nature and science curriculum, and 4 credits for the innovation and entrepreneurship curriculum.
After completing 12 credits from the dimensional curriculum designated by the college, the remaining 6 credits are open for selection from these curriculums:humanities and art; Social and Rules of Law; nature and science; innovation and entrepreneurship, until a total of 18 credits of general curriculum are completed for graduation.
5.For students studying abroad based on the exchange or dual degree programs, the credits received in the overseas partner institutes must conform to the agreements of the exchange or dual degree programs and are approved by the department chairperson or curriculum committee in order to be eligible for graduate credits.
6.◆ denotes “ Teaching of Technical Fundamentals - Fundamental Experiment Classes”, including Computer Programming (I), Computer Programming (II), Digital Logic Design Lab., Object-Oriented Programming Lab., and Microprocessor-Based-System Lab. The total number of fundamental laboratory courses(M)=the minimum number of fundamental laboratory courses(N)=5. The fundamental laboratory courses are all CSIE courses and students must earn the credits of all these courses in order to graduate.
7.The seven fundamental courses as demanded by the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science include: Circuit Theory I, Circuit Theory II, Electronics I, Electronics II, Linear Algebra, Probability, and Digital Logic Design. Student who receives a failing grade of any of those fundamental courses for the first time is allowed to enroll in and take the same course offered by the departments in the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for the graduate requirements.
8.Students who earn the credits of the Elective course – Internship (I) or (II) may NOT be required to complete the Common Required course – Internship. However, the students still need to satisfy the minimum number of credits specified in the graduation requirements.
9.Students from foreign countries, Hong Kong, and Macao, whose graduating schools are comparable in level and nature to Taiwan’s senior high schools and whose graduating year is equivalent to the 2nd grade of Taiwan’s senior high schools, are considered as having a level of education adequate for registering for the entrance examination for the various 4-year bachelor programs in Taiwan’s universities. Suchlike undergraduate students, when admitted to National Taipei University of Technology’s Bachelor programs, are required to earn extra 12 credit units from the elective courses defined in their respective departments’ curriculum tables.
10.Before graduating, a student must finish the following cross-disciplinary courses. A student must take at least one course with at least 2 credits offered by the other three departments in the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. A student must take at least two courses from other departments outside the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for at least 6 credits, including: cross campus courses, professional on the job English transition project serious courses, last-mile courses, cross-disciplinary special project courses, and courses offered by the administration for the priority projects. Alternatively, a student must take at least three courses from other departments outside the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for at least 8 credits. Those credits count for cross-disciplinary courses. In addition, it is not allowed to take those course offered by other department that the major department of the student also offers the same course. When necessary, credits earned from other departments can be cumulated without limits.
11.In addition, for those students who have finished the secondary expertise modular courses, are regarded as fulfilling the foregoing cross-disciplinary learning courses.
12.This curriculum and graduation requirements are applicable to students entering in academic year 2021, fall semester.