List of Credits for Graduation

Academic Year 2012, Four-Year Program, Undergraduate Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Electronic Engineering

Course IDCourse NameCreditsHoursLevelNote
1 1 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 1 / 6  
1 1 1101001 Military Training (I) 0.0 2    
1 1 1400027 English in Practice 2.0 3 1 / 2  
1 1 1400098 First step to achieving the goals of universities 1.0 2    
1 1 1404003 Chinese 2.0 2 1 / 2  
1 1 1419985 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Society 2.0 2    
1 1 1401032 Calculus 3.0 3 1 / 2
1 1 1401041 Physics 3.0 3 1 / 2
1 1 1401043 Physics Lab. 1.0 3 1 / 2
1 1 3601011 Computer Programming 3.0 3   *◆
1 1 3601012 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 1.0 2 1 / 2
1 1 5901202 Introduction to Computer Science 3.0 3   *◇
1 1 3601005 Digital Logic Design 3.0 3  
1 2 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 2 / 6  
1 2 1101002 Military Training (II) 0.0 2    
1 2 1400027 English in Practice 2.0 3 2 / 2  
1 2 1400099 Service Learning 0.0 1    
1 2 1404003 Chinese 2.0 2 2 / 2  
1 2 1419984 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Nomocracy 2.0 2    
1 2 1401032 Calculus 3.0 3 2 / 2
1 2 1401041 Physics 3.0 3 2 / 2
1 2 1401043 Physics Lab. 1.0 3 2 / 2
1 2 3601012 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 1.0 2 2 / 2
1 2 3603054 Linear Algebra 3.0 3  
1 2 3201009 Chemistry 3.0 3  
1 2 3603096 FPGA System Design Practice 3.0 3    
1 2 5901206 Object-Oriented Programming 3.0 3  
1 2 5902207 Microprocessor-Based Systems 3.0 3  
2 1 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 3 / 6  
2 1 1400028 Advanced English in Practice 2.0 3 1 / 2  
2 1 1419981 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Culture 2.0 2    
2 1 1419982 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:History 2.0 2    
2 1 6502004 Electric Circuit Theory 3.0 3  
2 1 6503507 Differential Equations 3.0 3  
2 1 1102004 Military Training(III) 0.0 2    
2 1 3102081 Electronics (I) 3.0 3   ◎◇
2 1 3102091 Electronics Lab. (I) 1.0 3   ◎◆
2 1 3103064 Signals and Systems 3.0 3  
2 1 3603051 Discrete Mathematics 3.0 3  
2 1 3603057 Analysis and Simulation of Integrated Circuits 3.0 3    
2 1 5902201 Data Structure 3.0 3  
2 1 6502006 Geometric-Optics 3.0 3  
2 1 6503303 Electromagnetic field and waves(I) 3.0 3  
2 2 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 4 / 6  
2 2 1400028 Advanced English in Practice 2.0 3 2 / 2  
2 2 1419983 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Philosophy 2.0 2    
2 2 1419991 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
2 2 1102005 Military training(IV) 0.0 2    
2 2 3102084 Electronics (II) 3.0 3   ◎◇
2 2 3102092 Electronics Lab. (II) 1.0 3   ◎◆
2 2 3102097 Probability 3.0 3  
2 2 3602051 Computer Algorithms 3.0 3  
2 2 3603053 Complex Variables 3.0 3  
2 2 3603069 Linear Systems 3.0 3    
2 2 3603076 Network Analysis 3.0 3    
2 2 3603082 Computer Organization 3.0 3  
2 2 6503304 Electromagnetic field and waves(II) 3.0 3  
2 2 6503309 Introduction to Optoelectronic Engineering 3.0 3  
3 1 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 5 / 6  
3 1 1419992 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
3 1 1419993 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
3 1 3601008 Assembly Language Lab. 1.0 3  
3 1 3601010 Introduction to Telecommunication Engineering 3.0 3  
3 1 3602004 Electronic Circuit Lab (I) 1.0 3  
3 1 3602054 Microcomputer Lab. 1.0 3  
3 1 3602060 Laser and Electro-Optical Lab. 1.0 3  
3 1 3602061 Computer Architecture 3.0 3    
3 1 3603056 Systems Programming 3.0 3    
3 1 3603066 Digital Signal Processing 3.0 3    
3 1 3603067 Introduction to Optical Fiber Communications 3.0 3    
3 1 3603068 Electromagnetic Waves 3.0 3    
3 1 3603072 Principles of Communications 3.0 3    
3 1 3603084 Interface design 3.0 3    
3 1 3603086 Circuit Design with High-level Language Synthesis 3.0 3    
3 1 3603088 Windows Programming 3.0 3    
3 1 3603091 Introduction to Mobile Communications 3.0 3    
3 1 3603093 Baseband Communication Integrated Circuits Design Laboratory 3.0 3    
3 1 3604050 Numerical Methods 3.0 3    
3 1 3604054 Introduction to VLSI Design 3.0 3    
3 2 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 6 / 6  
3 2 1400026 Practical English 1.0 1    
3 2 1400029 Internship 2.0 40    
3 2 1419994 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
3 2 1419995 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
3 2 3603003 Electronic Circuit Lab. (II) 1.0 3  
3 2 3603005 Communication System Lab. 1.0 3  
3 2 3603007 High-Frequency Electronic Circuit Lab. 1.0 3  
3 2 3603062 Digital System Design Lab. 1.0 3  
3 2 3603059 Operating Systems 3.0 3  
3 2 3603061 Digital System Design 3.0 3    
3 2 3603070 Electro-Optical Measurement 3.0 3    
3 2 3603074 Digital Communication Systems 3.0 3    
3 2 3603075 Digital Signal Processing Lab. 1.0 3    
3 2 3603079 Compilers 3.0 3    
3 2 3603080 Practical Design of Optical Fiber CATV System 3.0 3    
3 2 3603085 High-frequency planar passive circuits 3.0 3    
3 2 3603089 Foundations for Microwave Passive Integrated Circuits 3.0 3    
3 2 3603092 Mobile Communication Networks 3.0 3    
3 2 3604055 VLSI Design 3.0 3    
3 2 3604057 Database Systems 3.0 3    
3 2 3604063 High-Frequency Electronic Circuits 3.0 3    
4 1 1004001 Physical Education 1.0 2    
4 1 3603060 Software Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 3604052 Computer Networks 3.0 3    
4 1 3604053 Programming Languages 3.0 3    
4 1 3604056 Artificial Intelligence 3.0 3    
4 1 3604062 Electromagnetic Wave Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 3604064 Digital Image Processing 3.0 3    
4 1 3604066 Optical Information Processing 3.0 3    
4 1 3604071 Design for Eiectromagnetic Compatibility 3.0 3    
4 1 3604072 Value Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 3604075 Introduction Wireless Communications 3.0 3    
4 1 3604083 Analog Integrated Circuit Design 3.0 3    
4 1 3604084 Introduction to Electro-Medical Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 3604085 Fuzzy Control 3.0 3    
4 1 3604088 Microwave Solid-state Circuit Design 3.0 3    
4 1 3604090 Linear Integrated Circuit Design 3.0 3    
4 1 3604093 Advanced FPGA System Design 3.0 3    
4 2 1004002 Physical Education 1.0 2    
4 2 3603064 Electronic Instrumentation 3.0 3    
4 2 3603094 FPAA System Design 3.0 3    
4 2 3603095 Introduction to High-Speed Digital PCB Design 3.0 3    
4 2 3604058 Computer Graphics 3.0 3    
4 2 3604059 Man-Machine Interfaces 3.0 3    
4 2 3604061 Control Systems 3.0 3    
4 2 3604067 Data Communications 3.0 3    
4 2 3604068 Television Engineering 3.0 3    
4 2 3604070 Reliability of Electronic Systems 3.0 3    
4 2 3604073 Fine Electronic Ceramics 3.0 3    
4 2 3604074 R and Dmanagement of Technology 3.0 3    
4 2 3604076 Introduction to Microwave Engineering 3.0 3    
4 2 3604080 Embedded Computing System Design 3.0 3    
4 2 3604081 Interduction to parallel algorithms and architectures 3.0 3    
4 2 3604082 Practical Design of Electronic Products 3.0 3    
4 2 3604086 Neural Network 3.0 3    
4 2 3604087 Digital Television and Video System 3.0 3    
4 2 3604089 Antenna Engineering 3.0 3    
4 2 3604091 Analysis and Simulation of Communication Systems 3.0 3    
4 2 4105053 Overview and Challenges of ICT Industry 1.0 1    

Note :
8. ◆表示「技術扎根教學」-「基礎實驗課程」包括計算機程式語言、電子學實習(一)、電子學實習(二)課程,學生須修習,始得畢業。
9. 依本校「雙聯學制」辦法赴境外合作學校修習課程者,於境外合作學校修習經系所主管或系所課程委員會同意之本科系課程,須符合協議規定者,始得採計列為畢業學分。
10.學生於修業期間所修習之『校外實習』課程(如暑期『校外實習』、學期『校外實習』或學年『校外實習』課程),最多僅得採計 18 學分計入畢業學分。
11.為加強本系學生接觸更多創新技術,擬邀請國外學者專家開設相關『專題特論』短期課程,學生於修業期間所修畢之相關『專題特論』課程,至多得採計 3 學分計入畢業學分。