List of Credits for Graduation

Academic Year 2012, Four-Year Program, Undergraduate Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Eletrical Engineering Department

Course IDCourse NameCreditsHoursLevelNote
1 1 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 1 / 6  
1 1 1101001 Military Training (I) 0.0 2    
1 1 1400027 English in Practice 2.0 3 1 / 2  
1 1 1400098 First step to achieving the goals of universities 1.0 2    
1 1 1404003 Chinese 2.0 2 1 / 2  
1 1 1419985 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Society 2.0 2    
1 1 1401032 Calculus 3.0 3 1 / 2
1 1 1401041 Physics 3.0 3 1 / 2
1 1 1401043 Physics Lab. 1.0 3 1 / 2
1 1 3601011 Computer Programming 3.0 3   *◆
1 1 3601012 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 1.0 2 1 / 2
1 1 5901202 Introduction to Computer Science 3.0 3   *◇
1 1 3601005 Digital Logic Design 3.0 3  
1 2 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 2 / 6  
1 2 1101002 Military Training (II) 0.0 2    
1 2 1400027 English in Practice 2.0 3 2 / 2  
1 2 1400099 Service Learning 0.0 1    
1 2 1404003 Chinese 2.0 2 2 / 2  
1 2 1419984 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Nomocracy 2.0 2    
1 2 1401032 Calculus 3.0 3 2 / 2
1 2 1401041 Physics 3.0 3 2 / 2
1 2 1401043 Physics Lab. 1.0 3 2 / 2
1 2 3601012 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 1.0 2 2 / 2
1 2 3603054 Linear Algebra 3.0 3  
1 2 3201009 Chemistry 3.0 3  
1 2 5901206 Object-Oriented Programming 3.0 3  
1 2 5902207 Microprocessor-Based Systems 3.0 3  
2 1 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 3 / 6  
2 1 1400028 Advanced English in Practice 2.0 3 1 / 2  
2 1 1419981 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Culture 2.0 2    
2 1 1419982 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:History 2.0 2    
2 1 6502004 Electric Circuit Theory 3.0 3  
2 1 6503507 Differential Equations 3.0 3  
2 1 1102004 Military Training(III) 0.0 2    
2 1 3102081 Electronics (I) 3.0 3   ◎◇
2 1 3102091 Electronics Lab. (I) 1.0 3   ◎◆
2 1 3103064 Signals and Systems 3.0 3  
2 1 3603051 Discrete Mathematics 3.0 3  
2 1 5902201 Data Structure 3.0 3  
2 1 6502006 Geometric-Optics 3.0 3  
2 1 6503303 Electromagnetic field and waves(I) 3.0 3  
2 2 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 4 / 6  
2 2 1400028 Advanced English in Practice 2.0 3 2 / 2  
2 2 1419983 Core Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education:Philosophy 2.0 2    
2 2 1419991 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
2 2 1102005 Military training(IV) 0.0 2    
2 2 3102084 Electronics (II) 3.0 3   ◎◇
2 2 3102092 Electronics Lab. (II) 1.0 3   ◎◆
2 2 3102097 Probability 3.0 3  
2 2 3102902 Programmable Logic Controller Applications and Lab. 3.0 3    
2 2 3602051 Computer Algorithms 3.0 3  
2 2 3603053 Complex Variables 3.0 3  
2 2 3603082 Computer Organization 3.0 3  
2 2 6503304 Electromagnetic field and waves(II) 3.0 3  
2 2 6503309 Introduction to Optoelectronic Engineering 3.0 3  
3 1 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 5 / 6  
3 1 1419992 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
3 1 1419993 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
3 1 3101045 Data Structure 3.0 3    
3 1 3102093 Microprocessor Lab. 1.0 3    
3 1 3103011 Power System (I) 3.0 3  
3 1 3103016 Electric Machinery (I) 3.0 3  
3 1 3103034 Digital System 3.0 3  
3 1 3103037 Power Electronics 3.0 3  
3 1 3103039 Linear Electronics 3.0 3    
3 1 3103051 Energy Applications 3.0 3    
3 1 3103093 Digital System Lab. 1.0 3    
3 1 3103098 Linear Electronics Lab. 1.0 3    
3 1 3103103 Integrated circuits fabrication technologies 3.0 3    
3 1 3104024 Mechatronics 3.0 3    
3 1 3104502 Applications of Computer Network 3.0 3    
3 2 1001001 Physical Education 0.0 2 6 / 6  
3 2 1400026 Practical English 1.0 1    
3 2 1400029 Internship 2.0 40    
3 2 1419994 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
3 2 1419995 Elective Curriculum of Liberal Arts Education 2.0 2    
3 2 3113710 Special Projects (I) 2.0 6  
3 2 3103012 Power System (II) 3.0 3    
3 2 3103017 Electric Machinery (II) 3.0 3    
3 2 3103021 Control System 3.0 3  
3 2 3103030 Sensor and Converter Technology 3.0 3    
3 2 3103031 Industrial Electronics 3.0 3    
3 2 3103042 Numerical Methods 3.0 3    
3 2 3103062 Communication Systems 3.0 3  
3 2 3103063 Communication System Lab. 1.0 3    
3 2 3103065 Electromagnetic Wave 3.0 3    
3 2 3103066 Digital Signal Processing 3.0 3    
3 2 3103090 Power System Lab. 1.0 3    
3 2 3103091 Electric Machinery Lab. (I) 1.0 3    
3 2 3103102 Linux System Administration 3.0 3    
3 2 3103903 Digital VLSI Design and Layout 3.0 3    
3 2 3113004 Design of Digital System 3.0 3    
3 2 3113005 Design of Digital System LAB 1.0 3    
3 2 3113709 Elements and Material of Semiconductor 3.0 3    
3 2 3114004 Writing and presentation in the Technical Field 3.0 3    
3 2 3114109 Mechatronics Practice 1.0 3    
3 2 3603059 Operating Systems 3.0 3  
4 1 3114703 Special Projects(II) 2.0 6  
4 1 1004001 Physical Education 1.0 2    
4 1 3103092 Electric Machinery Lab. (II) 1.0 3    
4 1 3103099 Power Electronics Lab. 1.0 3    
4 1 3103904 Experiments on digital control of permanent magnet synchrono 1.0 3    
4 1 3104011 Power Distribution Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 3104021 Electric Machine Control 3.0 3    
4 1 3104022 Digital Control 3.0 3    
4 1 3104061 Digital Communication 3.0 3    
4 1 3104091 Electric Machine Control Lab. 1.0 3    
4 1 3104092 Control System Lab. 1.0 3    
4 1 3104097 Semester Intership 9.0 40    
4 1 3104099 Employment Lecture 1.0 1    
4 1 3104704 Switching Power Supply 3.0 3    
4 1 3104705 Virtual Reality 3.0 3    
4 1 3104706 Network Security 3.0 3    
4 1 3104708 Analog Circuit Design and Layout 3.0 3    
4 1 3104712 Digital Communication Lab 1.0 3    
4 1 3104807 Winning Your Lifetime's First Job 1.0 1    
4 1 3113002 Advanced Power Electronics 3.0 3    
4 1 3113003 Advanced Power Electronics LAB 1.0 3    
4 1 3113704 Semiconductor Fabrication Technology 3.0 3    
4 1 3113903 Digital Signal Processing Lab. 1.0 3    
4 1 3114001 Introduction to Database 3.0 3    
4 1 3114005 Power Generation & Distribution Engineering 3.0 3    
4 1 3114006 Computer Organization 3.0 3    
4 1 3114909 Image Processing Project 3.0 3    
4 2 1004002 Physical Education 1.0 2    
4 2 3104042 Computer Graphics 3.0 3    
4 2 3104100 Lecture: Employment Enhancement 1.0 1    
4 2 3104800 Corporate Finance Theory and Practice 3.0 3    
4 2 3104801 Technology Laws 2.0 2    
4 2 3104804 Intellectual Property 2.0 2    
4 2 3114002 Introduction to Software Engineering 3.0 3    
4 2 3114003 Image Processing 3.0 3    
4 2 3114029 Optical fiber Communications 3.0 3    
4 2 3114102 Advanced Electronic Circuits 3.0 3    

Note :
2.校訂共同必修:36學分;校訂*基礎必修:31學分;◎核心選修課程:須修滿29學分且必須包含:訊號與系統、電子學(一)、電子學 (二)、數位邏輯設計、電子學實習(一)、電子學實習(二),多修之學分得採計為電機工程系專業選修學分;主專業必修及選修:43學分(含跨系所9學分)含:
(c)電機工程系開設或承認選修18學分,其中至少需選修「微處理機實習、通訊系統 實習、電機機械實習(一)、控制系統實習、電力電子學實習」等5門專業選修實習課程中任2門始得畢業。