Course Timetable for Spring Semester Year 2025

RequiredDept. Common Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Common Required Credits
ElectiveCommon Elective Credits
RequiredDept. Major Required Credits
RequiredUniversity Major Required Credits
ElectiveMajor Elective Credits

創新創業(大) [創新創業(大)]

Four-Year Program Specialist courses 4

InstructorSun.Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.ClassroomStudent No.WithdrawLanguageSyllabusRemarksPracticeDesignated for
 Class Meeting      3 4            
341854 Management 2.02 Chang, I-Min
    6 7   3TB_403
44 0   Query
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship
345759 Internet entrepreneurial management 3.03 YIN, CHIN-CHING
 5 6 9       25 0 English Query
工管二甲乙合開   Innovative Product development and Evaluation Micro Program
345851 Innovative Techniques, Design Thinking, and Community Design 2.02 CHEN, YING-FEN
     3 4  4TB_303
40 0   Query
341860 Introduction to Tourism 2.02 Chen, Han-Hsiu
 5 6      3TB_401
25 0   Query
340719 Cultural Innovation Industry :Brand and Marketing 3.03 Chang, I-Min
     5 6 7  GSB_606
24 0   Query
上限24人   Cultural Economy and Experimental Marketing
346253 Start up: from 0 to all 3.03 Yao,Chang-An
   A B C    2TB_103
40 0   Query
    Entrepreneurship Practices Micro Courses
346254 Introduction to Assistive Technology 2.02 ChunChing Chen
   5 6      40 0   Query
    Biomedical Assistive Technology of Cross-Discipline Micro Courses
346255 Corporate's Favorite: High-quality Communication and Presentation Ability 2.02 Yao,Chang-An
   3 4    PIB_602
40 0   Query
    Entrepreneurship Practices Micro Courses
346256 Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship 3.03 Yin-Wen Lee
    A B C   2TB_103
35 0  
    Entrepreneurship Practices Micro Courses
346286 One-minute elevator pitches used by startups in Silicon Valley 1.01 Wu,Hsin-Yi
Chin-Cheng Wang
Chang, Shih-Hao
      1   40 0   Query
346287 Entrepreneurship Lectures 1.01 Wu Shih wei
   A      200 0   Query
346257 Career Lecture 1.01 Yin-Wen Lee
   7    CB_3A
120 0   Query
六週密集授課   Entrepreneurship Practices Micro Courses

*represents the courses which are not applicable for online courses for students unable to return to school and/or attend classes. Please inquire from the unit of curriculum if having questions about the course.

Buildings :
CodeBuilding Name
2TB 2nd Teaching Building
3TB 3rd Teaching Building
4TB 4th Teaching Building
CB Complex Building 1st Auditorium
GSB General Studies Building
PIB Pioneer International Research and Development Building

Time :
1: 08:10 - 09:002: 09:10 - 10:003: 10:10 - 11:004: 11:10 - 12:00N: 12:10 - 13:00
5: 13:10 - 14:006: 14:10 - 15:007: 15:10 - 16:008: 16:10 - 17:009: 17:10 - 18:00
A: 18:30 - 19:20B: 19:20 - 20:10C: 20:20 - 21:10D: 21:10 - 22:00