學年期 | 課號 | 課程名稱 | 階段 | 學分 | 時數 | 修 | 教師 | 班級 | 人 | 撤 | 備註 |
112-1 | 320752 | 電子電路分析與設計 | 1 | 3.0 | 3 | ★ | 劉宇晨 | 電機所 電資外生所 |
58 | 1 | 電機所和電資外生所合開 |
教師姓名 | 劉宇晨 教師諮商時間(Office Hours) |
ycliu@ntut.edu.tw ![]() | |
最後更新時間 | 2023-06-05 13:25:40 |
課程大綱 | |
課程進度 | |
評量方式與標準 | |
使用教材、參考書目或其他 | 【遵守智慧財產權觀念,請使用正版教科書,不得使用非法影印教科書】 使用外文原文書:否 |
課程諮詢管道 | There will be teaching assistants to assist in the course, and there will also be teaching assistants' consultation hours to allow students to ask questions after class. Professor can also be contacted via email to discuss the questions. |
課程對應SDGs指標 | |
備註 |
1. If you cannot attend classes due to the epidemic, please follow the school's regulations on the epidemic. After isolation and recovery, please make an appointment with the teaching assistant to complete the unfinished experiment again. 2. Because it is an experimental class, if physical classes are available, the class will be taught in the way of diverting people. Suppose it is not possible to teach in person. In that case, the online teaching method will be used instead, with online teaching and circuit simulation for teaching. |