學年期 | 課號 | 課程名稱 | 階段 | 學分 | 時數 | 修 | 教師 | 班級 | 人 | 撤 | 備註 |
111-2 | 316873 | 機器人學 | 1 | 3.0 | 3 | ★ | 葉賜旭 | 機電所 製科所 機械自動化外生專班 機電博所 機電外國學生專班 |
0 | 0 | 機電所、製科所、機械外生班和機電博外生班合開,限24【停開】 |
教師姓名 | 葉賜旭 教師諮商時間(Office Hours) |
ssyeh@ntut.edu.tw | |
最後更新時間 | 2022-12-22 17:55:48 |
課程大綱 | |
課程進度 | |
評量方式與標準 | |
使用教材、參考書目或其他 | 【遵守智慧財產權觀念,請使用正版教科書,不得使用非法影印教科書】 使用外文原文書:是 |
課程諮詢管道 | To discuss the course details, students can email the teacher (ssyeh@ntut.edu.tw), contact using the course LINE group, or visit the teacher's office during consultation time (video-discussion mode is recommended). |
課程對應SDGs指標 | |
備註 |
In response to the epidemic prevention regulations, the teaching method of this course during the distance learning period is as follows: ● Evaluation method: To comply with the epidemic prevention regulations, this course may require students to go to school for tests. ● Course URL: https://teams.microsoft.com/ ● Course consultation: email or course website. ● Supplementary Note: The teacher can adjust the course content, schedule, and evaluation and grading policy based on the epidemic and actual teaching situation. |