教師姓名 |
章慧琴 |
Email |
hcchang3551@ntut.edu.tw  |
最後更新時間 | 2022-09-07 16:35:12 |
課程大綱 | |
課程進度 | |
評量方式與標準 | |
| 【遵守智慧財產權觀念,請使用正版教科書,不得使用非法影印教科書】
課程諮詢管道 | 1. Instructor's email: hcchang3551@ntut.edu.tw 2. Class Line group (If need be, a class Line group will be set up.) |
課程對應SDGs指標 | |
In case of pandemic, instruction will be administered via the use of remote learning. To this end, Microsoft Teams will be used to facilitate online teaching and learning instead of the physical classroom. |