
110-1 299220 現代製造技術特論 1 3.0 3 孫殷同 機械自動化外生專班 11 0 ◎限30人


教師姓名 孫殷同
Email ytsun@ntut.edu.tw Email
最後更新時間2021-09-22 14:00:42
使用教材、參考書目或其他 【遵守智慧財產權觀念,請使用正版教科書,不得使用非法影印教科書】

課程諮詢管道Please feel free to call our team at 27712171 #2025 during regular hours 9:30~11:30; 14:30~16:30 on Tuesday or Thursday. Emailing to ytsun@mail.ntut.edu.tw is welcome. Making an appointment is also an acceptable option.
備註 ●上課方式:遠距上課

We will use the following link for our first class on 9/22 from 14:10 to 14:30, and on 9/29 from 14:10 to 17:00, and so on. Thank you for your cooperation in these regards.
Midterm and final projects are delivered via convenient online platforms such as i-Study (i-學園).
Important messages will be broadcasted to student members’ email accounts on regular basis to keep you fully updated, including your grade status.
We abide by our university online classroom called Microsoft Teams, and its link is as follows.

emailing to ytsun@mail.ntut.edu.tw; calling上班日週二、四9:30~11:30; 14:30~16:30 27712171 #2050; or making an appointment
Our MS Team ID is: "299220_Special topics of modern manufacturing technology現代製造技術特論"