教師姓名 |
高得畬 |
Email |
kao_deyu@yahoo.com  |
最後更新時間 | 2021-09-13 14:33:37 |
課程大綱 | |
課程進度 | |
評量方式與標準 | |
| 【遵守智慧財產權觀念,請使用正版教科書,不得使用非法影印教科書】
課程諮詢管道 | NTUT has not provide an office for me and not allow parking for the non-lecture period! So please contact me with LINE or two email: dkao@ntut.edu.tw or kao_deyu@yahoo.com If needed, we can meet in Mr. Brown Coffee across street...... :-D |
課程對應SDGs指標 | |
●評量方式:online test with network camera on, open book, but NO discussion submit answers to my email before deadline