課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3401012 | 人工智慧導論與程式語言 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Programming Languages | 2.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程將作為大一學生入學後第一門程式語言奠基課程,旨在提供學生們了解程式設計的基礎,並探索其與人工智慧的關聯。除了傳授基本的程式設計概念外,我們還將探討人工智慧在程式設計中的應用與意義。課程內容將包括電腦運作概念、程式設計原則、分支敘述、迴圈敘述、輸出輸入敘述、陣列處理、字元處理以及子程式等關鍵課題。同時,我們將特別強調人工智慧對於程式設計的重要性,以及它如何影響我們如何思考、解決問題和開發軟體。透過本課程的學習,學生們將能夠建立堅實的程式設計基礎,並了解人工智慧在這個領域中的關鍵作用。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course serves as the first foundational programming language course for first-year students, aiming to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the basics of programming and explore its relationship with artificial intelligence. In addition to imparting fundamental programming concepts, we will delve into the applications and significance of artificial intelligence in programming. The course will cover key topics such as computer operation concepts, programming principles, conditional statements, loop statements, input/output statements, array processing, character processing, and subroutines. Simultaneously, we will emphasize artificial intelligence's importance in programming and how it influences our thinking, problem-solving approaches, and software development. Through this course, students can establish a solid foundation in programming and grasp the pivotal role of artificial intelligence in this field. | |||
核心能力指標 | 1.工程、科學及運用資訊工具之知識與能力 5.瞭解跨領域學習之重要性 |