課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
C515022 智慧專利分析 Intelligent Patent Analytics 3.0 3
Chinese Description
本課程主要分為專利權的觀念建立,及並以自然語言處理(NLP)作為主要工具,專利權進行量化分析。 專利權部份: 壹、保護創新:1. 如何透過專利保護科技創新、2. 專利的迷思。 貳、專利與創新:1. 如何由需求或靈感取得創新、2. 如何使創新轉化為實質專利 3. 如何從專利撰寫演化出創新。 參、專利概念與規法:1. 我國專利體系介紹、2. 專利相關法規之介紹、3. 專利取得的流程、4. 發明專利實體審查基、5. 專利說明書及圖示的撰寫格式、6. 何謂發明單一性及優先權的使用。 肆、專利說明書搜尋及閱讀:1. 各國專利的搜尋引擎、2. 專利工具的使用、3. 閱讀專利說明書。 伍、專利說明書的撰寫與申請:1. 專利說明書撰寫之重要 2. 專利說明書之格式 3. 專利說明書之撰寫技巧。 陸、專利戰略與佈局:1. 商戰專利佈局模式、2. 專利舉發實務、3. 專利舉發方式、4. 專利舉發程序、5. 專利舉發策略運用、6. 舉發撤銷要件。 柒、專利侵害及訴訟實例:1. 從案例中學習專利侵害的攻防與法院訴訟的爭點、2.專家演講(法官,技審官,審查官,律師) 邀請領域的專家分享實務經驗。 專利權數據部份: 壹、專利數據收集:深入探討數據清理,篩選,確保學生能夠為分析準備適當的數據集
English Description
Patent-related aspects include: 1. Protecting Innovation: Learn how to protect technological innovations through patents and debunk common myths surrounding patents. 2. Patent and Innovation: Understand how to derive innovation from demands or inspirations, turn innovations into substantial patents, and evolve innovations from patent writing. 3. Patent Concepts and Laws: Get introduced to the patent system in our country, learn about related regulations, understand the process of acquiring a patent, delve into invention patent review basics, and learn the format of writing patent specifications and illustrations. Furthermore, understand what constitutes an invention's singularity and the use of priority rights. 4. Searching and Reading Patent Specifications: Get accustomed to search engines of patents across various countries and patent tools, and learn how to read patent specifications. 5. Writing and Applying Patent Specifications: Understand the importance of patent specificati


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