課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
AC05002 | 互動媒體設計專題(一) | Special Topics on Interactive Media Design (I) | 2.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程之目標在於研討互動設計、互動媒體、互動藝術之相關研究專題,以文獻研讀、論文研讀討論以及個案研究為重點,藉由密集討論、書面報告以及設計專題之之研究與實作,學生可以有效率地交換意見,獲得更深入而廣泛的體驗,並具備研究、分析、實作之能力。本所以結合電子資訊、機電、人文、設計與藝術等各領域的學生,以整合培育互動媒體設計專業人才,因此,本課程之另一主要學習目標為建構一多元領域交互學習的環境,以專題導向式為學習模式,可分別組合具設計、藝術、資訊、機電等專長的研究生,協同完成互動媒體設計專題的研究,或是透過互動媒體設計個案研討、互動媒體設計專題創作的方式進行。教學將以課堂講授、論文研討與發表以及專題實作為主,並以報告、分組討論與發表以及實作作品為評量方式。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course is to explore the fields of interaction design, interactive media and interactive art and focus on the literature study, paper discussion and case studies. With panel discussion, research report and design practice, graduate students can be able to learn the ability of research, analysis and practice by effectively exchange opinions and personal experience. The aim of graduate of interactive media design is to integrate different disciplines from computer science, mechatronics, human-culture and design and art so as to foster the professional of interactive media design. Therefore, one of the aims of this course is to construct multi-disciplines learning environment which perform a topic-oriented study model. This study model formulates the graduate students of design, art, information and mechatronic disciplines to collaborate an interactive media design project. It may execute interactive media design by working with the form of case study or design creation. The teachin |