課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
AA03003 旅行、文學與地理 Travelling, Literature and Geography 2.0 2
Chinese Description
旅行的記憶與記錄,包括了時間、景觀與個人經驗及其真實和虛構間的記述與回憶。而文學則是以文體的方式,在文本中呈現旅行中之人生歷程與經驗。如此,旅行文本既是行動的表述,亦是文學的另一種體現。而旅行中所經歷之各種人事物,其不僅僅是一種對他者記述的種種,同時亦包含了自我對自身的瞭解、想像、回歸、回憶與重整等過程。從上對於旅行與文學之相照應,本課程亦希冀能在課程中,引導同學們深入瞭解: 一、旅行的意義 二、旅行的書寫、記憶與文學 三、旅行中自我與他者之辯證 四、旅行之風景與圖像 五、旅行之空間、地方與文化 六、旅行中之紀實與虛構 七、旅行文學作品欣賞與閱讀 八、旅行、自我與書寫 最終希冀透過課程中之理論探討與旅行文本之閱讀,與同學們一起分享旅行中之種種對他者、他方的想像,和對自我多方地認識、探索與啟發。
English Description
Traveling is a kind of soul-searching behavior. It is also a deep exploration into our inner self. It could be a relief, an adventure, learning and growth. With a nostalgic impulse, we could find ourselves or our spiritual home in the universe. Moreover, during the process of travelling, we might observe, meditate and feel the novelty and the variety of life. The purpose of this course is thus to improve the abilities of capturing the beauties of the earth, understanding more about others and ourselves, and putting them into the reflections of the discourse of the concept of space, place and the cultures. Further, in the modern technological society, the information is created at great speed and overturned, and therefore how to build an effective way of thinking is bound to become today's students have basic skills. This course of trying a variety of ways of thinking as a starting point, I hope, in which students could be inspired, and be encouraged to face and to challenge the form


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