課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
AA02006 | 社會設計思考與實作 | Social Design Thinking and Practice | 1.0 | 1 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程之目標為透過課堂講授、移地教學以及設計思考工作坊之操作,讓學生能透過大學社會責任專案的導入,以社會設計理論為基礎,教育部苗圃計畫跨域設計思考工作坊為教學途徑,習得執行社會設計創新思考之知識與實作。課程的安排包含社會設計以及設計思考4D流程 (discover, define, develop and deliver) 的講授,雙師雙日跨域工作坊的執行,師生實際至主題操作的場域進行現地踏查以掌握與分析實際的問題,最後藉由創新提案的發表提交課程的成果。本課程期望能培養學生跨域整合知識應用與實作、以及創新思考問題解決的能力。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course aims to allow students to understand the knowledge and practice of social design thinking by means of lecturing, field study and design thinking workshop. This course will be supported by the Miaopu project and University Social Responsibility Project, with the aim to incorporate cross-discipline design thinking and social design practicing. The course includes lecturing of social design theory and 4D (discover, define, develop and deliver) process of design thinking, two-day workshop and field study of aboriginal tribe. The outcome of this course is the proposal of innovative solution based on the problems uncovering by the workshop. It is expected that students can obtain the capability of applying cross-discipline knowledge and innovative problem-soving. |