課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
AA00001 | 泰國文化與語言 | Development of global perspective: Thai culture and language | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 1. 在臺灣與東南亞交流日益增加的情況下,東南亞語言的學習需求也會隨之提高。而「泰國」所擁有的社會經濟條件優勢,以及泰國政府有意推動的文化創意產業,相信也將為臺灣帶來一陣「泰語學習風潮」。 2. 課程以培養基礎泰語溝通能力、激發學習泰語興趣,以及跨文化理解為宗旨。課程架構包括泰國語言教學及元化議題討論,使其在具備泰語溝通基本實力之外,更能對泰國各方面情勢與文化、思想、禮節、風俗習慣、宗教禁忌等,都具有深度認識。 3. 泰語教學方面,秉持聽、說、讀、寫同時並進的教學理念,由字母的發音、寫法、唸法、聲調、順序及拼字系統的學習開始,奠定良好的泰語基礎,搭配最常用的單字、句型、文法與日常實用會話,使學生可以拼寫、閱讀泰文短文,並能以泰語進行日常對話。 4. 泰國文化方面,以專題的方式,講述政治、經濟、社會、地理、歷史與文化等各個層面的泰國,呈現出不同於一般刻板印象中的泰國,培養學生對泰國的正確認識及態度。本學期先針對泰國目前的經濟與文化面進行概說;下學期則探討泰國歷史、地理、政治與社會。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | 1. With the interaction between Taiwan and Southeast Asia getting more and more frequent, the need for learning Southeast Asian languages has been highly increasing. Thailand owns the advantages of social economy; moreover, Thailand government intends to promote cultural creativity industries. Hence, learning Thai definitely becomes a new trend in Taiwan. 2. This course aims to help students build the foundation of speaking basic Thai, and arouse students’ interests in learning Thai. Also, it helps students get to know cross-cultural differences. In addition to learning Thai, students have to discuss the issues related to Thai culture. Accordingly, students are not only able to make conversations, but have further understanding of Thai culture, thinking, manners, customs and religious taboos etc. 3. In terms of learning Thai, listening, speaking, reading and writing, these four skills are equally important. Student will be trained to learn all these four skills together. At first, s |