課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
A505215 | 心靈的理論與實踐 | The Theory and Practice of the Mind | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 「心靈的理論與實踐」(The Theory and Practice of the Mind)旨在對人的心理各個層面,從不同的角度進行探討。課程將以理論講授與實際操作交替進行:我們將借重當代學術研究成果,如腦神經科學、心理學、哲學、神經生物學、社會學等等,以增進我們對人自身重要議題的認識。這些議題至少包括:心靈(Mind)、心流(Mental Flow)、情緒(Emotion)、選擇(Choice)、決定(Decision)、感官(Sensations)、直覺(Intuition)、自我分析( Self-Analysis)、單純性(Simplicity)、潛意識(Subconscious)、創新(Novelty)、洞察力(Insight)與意志力 (Willpower)等等。若時間允許,我們將在課上播放相關的科學影片與電影。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The course investigates several key aspects of human mind from different angles. To achieve the goal, we shall discuss current topics and issues on the following subjects: Neuroscience, Psychology, Philosophy, Neurobiology, Sociology, etc. The lecturing shall proceed from reading texts to practicing subjects and methods. And the topics and issues will include at least: Mind, Mental flow, Emotion, Choice, Decision, Sensations, Intuition, Self-Analysis, Simplicity, Subconscious, Novelty, Insight, and Willpower, etc. We may watch some relevant scientific films and movies in the class if time allows. |