課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
A503236 | 文創產業與品牌、行銷、通路 | Cultural Innovation Industry :Brand and Marketing | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程的設計,以文化事業 (cultural vocation) 的發展為目標,品牌的價值最大化為核心,進而設計與執行品牌之行銷方案,分析如何經營新創品牌的價值,與創造出在文創產業中的優勢品牌與品牌資產。結合行銷學的STP模型與SMART Strategy(睿智策略),對國際市場上的目標顧客,進行系統化的策略性行銷,連結顧客,經營通路上的成員與學習通路之設計,經由團隊合作,建構起良善通路的競爭優勢。 本課程的教學模式,採用國立臺北科大經典的黑手工程師訓練模式,強調動手式的 OJT (On Job Training)。課堂上會有大量的實務型動手演練實作,下課後會有一定數量的 Homework與 Exercise,透過此系統性訓練課程,將使學生(學員)具備微(小)型企業(工作室)的基本商業維運知識與能力。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The course is designed to target the development of cultural vocation, maximize the value of the brand as the core, and then design and implementation of brand marketing programs, analysis of how to operate a new brand value, and create a cultural industry in the advantages of brand and brand equity. To combine with the STP model of marketing and SMART Strategy, the target customers in the international market, the systematic strategic marketing, linking customers, managing the members in the channel and learning the channel design method. Use teamwork spirit to build the competitive advantage in the commercial channel. The teaching mode of the course: using the TaipeiTech classic Practice-Engineer training model, emphasizing the hands-on OJT (On Job Training) method. There will be a large number of hands-on exercises in the classroom, and a number of homework and exercises after class. After this systematic training course, students (trainee) will have basic (small) business (studio) |