課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
A501212 敘事文學及其運用 Narrative Structures and applications 2.0 2
Chinese Description
人類是故事的動物,只要有人,就有故事。打從幼兒坐在母親膝上開始,故事就是他認識社會與世界的方法,幾千年來的人類文明即是藉由故事流傳而累積,生生不息。不論東方或西方,希臘哲學家柏拉圖與中國的《毛詩大序》裡早就以故事來做為智慧傳達的工具。故事的影響力在歷史上不但成了治國與社會道德責任的重要工具,亦成為反主流價值表述手段。故事力甚至影響著個人外在環境與內心流動交錯中尋求意義的方法,引領人的行為。然而,在當今資訊發達的世代,說故事已經不再是文藝家的權力,故事力已經成領導統御與個人魅力的利器,情節的力量更成為品牌價值建構的關鍵。無論是個人或是團體,說故事的能力已經成為社群媒體認識與被認識重要的一課,也因此對於數位內容的創造者來說更顯特別重要。在學會如何說一個好故事之前,且讓我們來追本朔源,抽絲剝繭,比較東西文化經典故事的組成與架構,從做一個好的聆聽者做起,再來說一個自己的故事。培養學生敘事底蘊,以精讀中西方故事經典原形,配合批評理論,檢視時代與社會變遷對於故事原形轉化的影響原素,啟發學生的故事力與創作力的文化底蘊,以及創意轉化時的視野與氣度 。
English Description
Human beings are animals of the story. As long as there are people, there will be stories. As soon as a child sat on his mother's lap, the story is his way of understanding the world. Human civilization for thousands of years circulated tirelessly through the accumulated stories. From both the East and the West, the Plato and China's "Book of Poetry", even the Analects of Confucius, Zhuangzi, mythology, Buddhism, or the Greek philosophy of "Dialogue" all recorded with the form of stories. The influence of the story not only became the rule of history and an important tool of social and moral teachings, they also became the anti-mainstream values expressions. The story even forms meanings in personal investigations. Moreover, in today's information society, story is no longer the power of writers and artists, the story has become the skills of leadership and charisma, and the power of the plot has become the key to the construction of marking brands. It is also an important lesson for t


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