課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
8401009 | 哲學概論 | Philosophy introduction | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程是為非專業學生所設計的哲學概論,介紹西洋哲學的起源、西洋哲學的問題,以及哲學與人生的關係。哲學的問題意識起自人類的自覺,人類意圖認識自己,為宇宙人生尋求解答,哲學的發生本自人類天賦的求知欲,即其本性中對於智慧的追求與愛慕。這種愛慕智慧的精神是希臘文明留給西方世界的遺產,對於知識能持客觀批判的精神,對於真理能存認真熱切的態度,對於人生能有超克苦難的修持。在國際化的世代,我們對西方的認識應更深入其精神層面,此乃本課程規劃的初衷。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course is designed for student who is not disciplined in philosophy. As an introduction, we begin at the origin of western philosophy, the philosophical questions and finally, the relationship of human life and philosophy. Philosophy takes place when human being thinking of himself. Man by nature desire to know himself as well as the external world. And due to this love of wisdom, men can be critical to knowledge and be passionate toward truth. Eventually, grasping the sprit of western philosophy , we can view our life in quite a different view. In our time, facing the world of international, we should better understand the western culture, which is rooted in philosophy. |