課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
7815152 | 組織工程 | Tissues Engineering | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程在第一個問題上,我們將介紹材料發展上的挑戰,一者為材料與生物分子間的表面性質及特性﹔再者為材料做為細胞,生長模版並植入修復器官的效果。接著在第二個問題將以細胞為主題,介紹生物細胞學將是重要主題,如幹細胞生物學、細胞移動、組織環境、及組織功能基質細胞之研究等。在第三個問題上,主要描述特殊器官與工程學上之關係,與極可能在臨床的發展與應用。 組織工程之性質與應用在外科,骨科和牙醫界。課程內容包括組織工程之發展,材料之應用,軟硬組織在生醫工程之應用。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The class is going to give a basic principle to the students in cell sources, cell-cell communications, stem cells, material for scaffold, extracellular matrix for tissue engineering. This class is intended not only as a class for engineering students and students in cell biology, biotechnology, and medical courses at advanced graduate level, but also as a reference tool for research and clinical laboratories. I believe the students can have the knowledge of tissue engineering after the class finished. The topics of this course include the tissue of bio-materials, and their applications in the orthopedic and dental fields. The course contains the development of biomaterials, the application of materials for tissue, composite materials in biomedical engineerings. |