課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5905173 | 雲端運算與應用 | Cloud computing and application | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 課程介紹雲端資訊計算與運用相關技術,使學生對雲端平台、架構、服務、程式設計有一全面性瞭解。課程內容包括: 1. 雲端儲存系統架構、儲存網路與虛擬化技術, 2. 業務持續運作儲存技術,3. 儲存架構安全與管理 ,4. 雲端排程技術、效能與安全,5.虛擬化資料中心建置-虛擬計算、儲存、網路、桌面與應用,6.雲端服務與管理,7.雲端運算發展概論與企業應用,8.大量資料運算及案例分析,9.Hadoop 與 Mapreduce,10.雲端運算之SaaS架構,11.實習課程與專題計畫。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course focuses on information storage management, infrastructure, service management, security, and migration strategy for Cloud computing as well as the practice of cloud application through readings, lectures, and class projects. Course topics include: 1. Storage Networking Technologies and Virtualization, 2. Business Continuity, 3. Storage Security and Management, 4. Cloud Scheduling, Performance and Security, 5. Virtualized Data Center building blocks - Virtual Compute, Storage, Network, Desktop, and Application, 6. Cloud Services and Management, 7. Cloud Computing Overview and Business Application, 8. Big Data Computing and Case Study, 9. Hadoop and Mapreduce, 10. Cloud SaaS, 11. Lab. and Final Project. |