課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5846201 | 創新與知識管理 | Innovation and Knowledge Management | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 在知識經濟時代,由於資訊科技及網際網路推波助瀾下,資訊的流通及知識的運用,創造出許多新技術及新的商學模式,更帶出許多商業機會。而這些技術與商學模式所產生之價值,大致來說與其創新性有密切之關係。故近年來,各界均在追求以創新來提升競爭力,無不希望能在運用創新理論與方法,創造出具價值的新技術、新材料及產品、或新營運模式。然一個成功的創新往往需蒐集、產生、分析、及運用大量的資訊與知識,如何在大量的資訊與知識中,迅速有效的得到結果,就必須要有一套好的工具與方法,知識管理也就是在這種環境下應運而生。 知識經濟的基本運作架構,是讓大家知道,主要的知識價值,是蘊藏於知識中的機會,如何將知識轉變為價值,須要運用三種知識:第一,找出機會的是專業知識 (Domain Knowledge),第二,將機會轉變為可行的計畫是規劃或策略知識 (Strategy Know;edge),第三,執行計畫以產生價值的是執行知識 (Execution Knowledge)。 本課程之目的乃在以此架構,配合策略管理,教導如何靈活運用此三種知識,來提升及運用創新力以創造價值,並進而提升企業競爭力。本課程同時也教導知識管理的基本流程,包括定義、創造獲得、整理分析、儲存、運用、分享等;也簡單介 | |||
英文概述 English Description | In the knowledge-based economy (KE) era, due to the vast applications of the fast developed information technology and wide spreaded internet, there have developed many new technologies and new business models, and hence many business opportunities continue to emerge. The value created by these technologies and new models, in general, is closely related to the innovation of the technology. A successful innovation, in most cases, will collect, generate, analyze, and utilize a large amount of information and knowledge. In order to efficiently obtain effective results, a good tool and methodology must be applied. This is why knowledge management (KM) comes about. In this course, the framework of KE will also be illustrated by using three procedures and each has closely related to one kind of knowledge, namely, domain knowledge, strategy knowledge, and execution knowledge. Any business would be able to convert knowledge to business value and valuable asset when fluently using these proced |