課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5806031 | 同步工程研究 | Study of Concurrent Engineering | 3.0 | 4 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 數位革命時代的來臨,CAD/CAE/CAM/PDM也是資訊科技的產物,相關技術的整合與應用已普遍實踐於產品開發,藉由資訊科技建立「資料一元化」的數位設計環境,打破傳統產品開發的溝通障礙與隔閡,整合跨機能的設計團隊,達成「同步工程」的理想,才能因應全球產業快速的變革。電腦輔助技術不僅是新的設計工具,其更深層的意義是產品開發體系的整體運作與管理方式也受到此一新技術影響,需有合理合適的管理架構與設計程序配合,才能有效運用,創造出其應有的價值。本課程將先探討資訊科技的原理與發展趨勢,以及分析產品設計模式與設計活動的特質,進而瞭解資訊科技對產品開發的衝擊與影響;然後以實際案例透過數位化設計技術,有效縮短產品開發時程,實現同步工程的理想。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Information technology, which brings many changes to the commercial and industrial activities, makes the digital revolution happen in the recent era. In the field of product development, information technology through computer-aided design has been very influential as well, which has not only replaced traditional tools, but also altered the design procedures. The aim of this course is to study the method of product development in a concurrent engineering. In this course, the first theme is to review information technology and product development process to comprehend the impact of CAD on product development. The other theme, by the project practice, is to implement the techniques of concurrent engineering using CAD/CAM system on product development. |