課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5703119 | 數位組織與轉型 | Digital Organization and Transformation | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程在於了解數位組織概念以及數位轉型的趨勢,並且學習以科技為基礎之創新商業模式。課程將介紹創新的商業模式如:數位轉型、共享經濟、金融科技、使用者生成內容等平台模式,並且連結到實務個案。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course aims to understand concepts of digital organization and the trend of digital transformation via learning the technology-based business models. The innovative business models such as digital transformation, sharing economy, financial technology, user-generated content and etc. and those concepts will be linked to real-world cases. |