課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5703034 | 創業管理 | Entrepreneurial Management | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 我國長期以來在國際分工中以製造基地聞名,近年來更成為資訊科技強國,主要在於技職教育及技術的落實,讓許多中小企業靠著企業家精神 ,創造台灣?濟奇蹟.但隨著知識經濟時代來臨,國內產業面臨升級轉型至知識服務業,其創業條件原本就較困難,加上國際競爭日趨激烈,故要從學校銜接社會創業,需要有實務課程來媒合.本課程即從實務角度,提供產業分析及scan技巧,並提供創業前應有的SWOT分析,了解自己的優劣勢及外在環境的機會與威脅,配合創業應具備的產銷人發財及資訊相關知識,引導學子完成營運計畫書及長期財務試算技巧,並透過實務個案,如加盟連鎖.個店經營等實例,讓學子融會貫通相關的知識,有助未來出社會創業時的成功率提升,再創另一波台灣經濟奇蹟. 課程主要內容如下; 1.創業前的主要功課,產業分析鎖定及環境scan 2.創業的成功失敗因素分析 3.創業前的SWOT分析 4.創業專業知識->財務規劃及理財篇 5.創業專業知識->行銷管理篇 6.創業專業知識->資訊管理篇 7.創業專業知識->生產管理及產品研發 8.創業專業知識->人力資源及組織規劃 9.企業營運計畫書撰寫 10.企業營運財務試算 11.企業創業實務篇->加盟連鎖管理(1)--(8) 12.企業創業實務篇->個店經營管理(1)-(2) | |||
英文概述 English Description | Taiwan is a famous manufacturing base in international collaborating system. Owing to high quality vocational educational system, Taiwan earned an important role in information industry. In 1980- Taiwan was a top 3 information industry nations in the world, creating the so-called 'Taiwan economic miracle'. Now, we entered into a knowledge base era, to establish a new enterprise is more difficult than before. So, how to link educational system with practical industry is very important. Especially, teaching the students how to start an enterprise is key factor to knowledge-based industry development. This course was designed form a practical points of view; try to link practical industry with educational system. The main outline of this course include Industrial environmental analysis, SWOT analysis, financial forecast and etc., Hopefully, to give the students an overview to start an enterprise. |