課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5425708 | 動畫電影中的中世紀文化 | Knights, Monsters, Castles and Other Things Medieval in Hollywood Movies and Japanese Anime | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 廣義上,中世紀時期可被定義為由羅馬帝國的衰落開始並持續至十五世紀文藝復興。中古世紀被文藝復興時期的人們視為一段缺乏啟蒙、知識及現代化的黑暗時期。然而許多黑暗時期的故事--如亞瑟王與圓桌武士、聖杯、龍和公主—卻一直以現代書籍及電影的方式流傳至今。本課程將探討弔詭的現代中世紀現象,亦即現代西方如何以多樣的手段去詮釋、改寫或紀念中古世紀,使得這種千年前的文化在現代重生。本課程同時也將討論日本動畫家及漫畫家是如何以動漫的方式將西方中世紀故事及元素巧妙的融合進現代日本流行文化。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The Medieval Period can be defined broadly as that period from the fall of the Roman Empire to the 15th century Italian Renaissance – a dark time, if one is to believe the men of the Renaissance, in need of light, knowledge, modernization. Yet the stories of these dark ages – of Arthur and his knights, the Holy Grail, dragons and princesses – continue to be retold and enjoyed in modern books and films. This course will examine the paradoxical phenomenon of modern medievalism, looking at the varied ways the modern West has borrowed, celebrated, and rewritten its medieval past, a culture strangely as alive now as it was a thousand years ago. We will consider, too, how western medieval stories and images are also being cleverly adapted and transformed in modern Japanese pop culture by anime and manga artists. |