課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
5425706 文學人類學 Anthropology of Literature 3.0 3
Chinese Description
神話文本為我們提供了口述前例。雖說神話文本展現了人究竟是人的事實,卻也啟發了我們以不同於標準模式洞悉現實的方式。我們將透過由Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Victor Turner and Gebser等理論家的人類學觀點,檢視如the Descent of Inanna, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Popul Vuh等之遠古神話文本,連同現代神話,包括Saint John of the Cross, the Great Vision of Black Elk, Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson等詩作。我們將追溯與之相關的詩歌及占卜預測等根源,藉以展現人類藝術動力雖然隨著歷史文化及環境而有差異,在現代之音樂、詩歌、小說裡,卻仍然得以產生共鳴的事實。只消閱讀偉大的藍調傳統,當代作家Nathanial Mackey, Nathaniel Braithwaite and Cecilia Vinuna等人的詩作,以及Jack London, Isabelle Allende and Gabriel Garcia Marquez等人的小說,便足以印證前述所言不虛。課程要求包括定期之日記,多次的口頭報告及撰寫兩篇文章。
English Description
Mythic texts provide us clues to their own orally-transmitted antecedents and, though showing us humans have always been humans, suggest a qualitatively different way of perceiving reality than is currently the norm. We will examine mythic texts from the most ancient times--the Descent of Inanna, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Popul Vuh--alongside more modern works--the poems of Saint John of the Cross, the Great Vision of Black Elk, Beelzebub`s Tales to his Grandson--through an anthropological lens provided in part by theorists Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Victor Turner and Jean Gebser. We will trace back to their roots both poetry and its close relation divination, and show how the artistic impulse in humanity, though varying much according to history, culture and environment, still has echoes in the music, poetry and novels of modern times—just witness the great blues tradition; contemporary poetry by Nathanial Mackey, Nathaniel Braithwaite and Cecilia Vicuna; and fiction by Jack Londo


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