課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5425601 | 後現代思潮與跨文化溝通 | Post-Modernism and Cross Cultural Communication | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程將探討後現代的現象,並分析此現象為跨文化溝通帶來什麼轉變。後現代主義的定義眾說紛紜,批評與讚揚者兼而有之。美國前副總統Al Gore譏之為「自戀」與「虛無」的結合;法國馬克思理論家Guy Debord則讚揚它代表了「景象」的巨大成就;Jean Baudrillard的哲學作品中則感嘆後現代主義的「擬象」消除了真實;哲學家Jean-Francois Lyortard則為它辯護,認為後現代主義解構霸權論述,是一種溝通的解放。以後現代主義的角度來看,我們可以說文化乃由溝通而產生。本課程旨在探討、研究、分析此一現象 (幾乎與「全球主義」同樣無遠弗屆的現象),進而批判、檢視後現代思潮對現今跨文化溝通的影響。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | In this wide-ranging course we will discuss the phenomenon of postmodernism and analyze how this phenomenon has altered for Cross Cultural Communication. There is much debate as to the definition of postmodernism and also much criticism. It has been attacked as a mixture of "narcissism" and "nihilism" by former United States vice-president Al Gore; it has been defined as the triumph of the spectacle by French Marxist theorist Guy Debord; it has been lamented as the abolition of reality by simulacra in the works of philosopher Jean Baudrillard; and it has been defended as the liberation of communication from hegemonic narratives by the philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard; and so on and so on. One might say that, in a postmodern formula, it is communication that creates cultures in the first place. At any rate, we shall look into, study, and analyze the phenomenon (which is more or less co-extensive with what is called "globalism") and critically asses its practical impact on communica |