課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
5425501 自然文學與永續實踐 Literature of Nature and Practices of Sustainability 3.0 3
Chinese Description
就生態的觀點而言,一個社會得以永續發展的要素是什麼? 有些人也許會說:資源回收桶,污水處理,太陽能板,或者是氫動力車。但是除了這些之外,我們更需要的是以新的思維重新思考人類與自然環境的關係。過去數十年來,越來越多的作家把探討:人類是否可能找到一些可行的路徑,邁向永續的社會,做為他們作品的主題。 回顧現代社會對自然環境所造成的毀滅性影響,問題的根源到底在哪裡﹖為了生態的永續,人們的心態需要如何改變 ﹖除了在統計數字上癌症比例大幅降低或海平面升高之外,奉行「永續」的生活方式到底有什麼好處? 能夠說服人們,讓他們真正意識到必須改變的最佳方法是什麼﹖為了探究和回答這些問題,本課程將閱讀有關永續議題的理論和文學作品,並在課程的後段將視角應用到台灣的現況。
English Description
What does it take to make a society ecologically sustainable? Some may answer: recycling bins, waste water treatment, solar panels, hydrogen-powered cars. But beyond that, it may also require new ways of thinking about humans' relationship to their natural environment. Over the past few decades, a steadily growing number of writers have made the exploration of possible paths towards a sustainable society a primary concern of their work. Where do we have to look for the roots of modern society's destructive effects on the natural environment? How does people's psychology need to change in order to reach ecological sustainability? What might be the benefits of adopting a "sustainable" lifestyle, besides a statistically significant reduction of cancer rates or the rise of the ocean level? And finally: What is the best way of convincing people to actually make the necessary changes? In this class, we will read both theoretical and literary works which deal with the problem of sustainabil


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