課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5415300 | 英語語用學 | English Pragmatics | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 英語語用學的研究關乎了解英語在各種情境下的使用。本課程首先回顧一些最常用於理解「言外之音」的重要觀念,例如「暗示」、「預設」、及「言談行為」。下個階段則是介紹一些重要語用學的議題,例如「禮貌理論」、「修辭語」、「言語幽默」、和「機構性談話」,並概述用於研究這些語用學議題的一些方法,包含「會話分析」、「言談分析」、甚或「批判性言談分析」。本課程旨在透過充足的英文例子來提升學生的語用學意識,從而鼓勵他們發揮語用學的知識來應對各種(英文)語言的實務操作。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The study of English pragmatics is about understanding the use of English in different types of context. The course begins by revisiting the ideas most commonly embraced to understand meaning beyond the linguistic code (e.g. implicature, presupposition, speech act). The next step is an overview of the key issues in pragmatics (e.g. politeness theory, figure of speech, verbal humor, institutional talk) as well as the various approaches to these issues (e.g. conversation analysis, discourse analysis, and critical discourse analysis). This course aims to raise students’ pragmatic awareness with ample English examples, and encourage them to apply pragmatic knowledge in various aspects of (English) language practices. |