課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5235417 | 健康建築環境學(二) | Healthy Architecture and Environment | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 為追求「永續發展與人本健康」之目的,使既有與新建的居住環境,配合我國「室內空氣品質管理法」規範下運作,提昇民眾居住環境健康品質效益,針對病態建築之環境問題,其涵蓋醫療、法律、建築、化學、生物等領域,綜合診斷以進行改善。本課程為第二階段之系列課程,其內容包括: 一.疫學:探討關於病態建築症候群的因素與特定外來的致病物質與疫之關聯。 二.家政事務:探討生活習慣、飲食生活的變化對環境、人體健康之影響。 三.醫療領域:探討病態建築症候群與化學物質過敏症的差異與因應對策。 四.日常領域:探討日常生活用品、居住行為對環境、人體健康之影響。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The main goal of this class is to pursue sustainable development and human health. In order to enhance the quality of residential and living environment in both existing and new-build dwellings, the course will cover important principles and topics in sick building environment, including medical, regulation, and architecture, chemical and biological. Specific contents include:(1)Immunology: to introduce the interactions between the immune system and the factors of sick building syndrome (SBS) and some specific pathogens.(2)Behavioral science: to investigate the influence of dietary and habit changes on environmental and human health.(3)Medical care: to introduce the difference and the response strategies between sick building syndrome (SBS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)(4)Daily life: to investigate the influence of daily articles and resident behavior on environmental and human health. |