課 程 概 述
Course Description

Course Code
Course Name (Chinese)
Course Name (English)
5201430 都市與建築的歷史性分析 Analysis on Historicity of Cities and Architecture 3.0 3
Chinese Description
每個城市有其生長的脈絡與痕跡,即使歷史的命運與文化的特質使得某些城市有近似的發展面貌,但是就如同人類一般,沒有城市的面貌是相同的。本課程將從聚落或是城市發展的歷程,閱讀城市空間的特質。學習從城市的地理環境、街道與街廓的形態,以及從不同年代的建築類型、立面形式、甚至構造材料等等,亦即從都市紋理的演變,進行一座城市的歷史解讀。無論是經過計畫、呈現幾何性很強的城市,或是經由自然成長、具有有機發展痕跡的城市,均為本課程所探討的對象。 而一座具有歷史的建築的生命歷程,亦會與城市一般,有其不同階段的生命歷程。這個建築的生命歷程,則反映在建築的各個元素與部位上。建築體的歷史,則更細膩地表現在建築的細部上,由空間形式、建築構成、結構、材料、構件組合方式、裝飾、裝飾匠師匠藝等等,藉由上述內容解讀建築的生命歷程,從而建立建築的生命年表,而可用於建築物歷史與價值的判定。 上述的城市抑或是建築的共時性或歷時性的歷史性分析,均從類型學與形態學著手,建立一套歷史系譜。
English Description
Every city has its own historic context and traces, even though the historical fate and cultural characteristic shape some similar aspects of some cities. But, just like the look of human being, people look alike, but no one looks the same (except for twins). It doesn’t exist two identical cities. We would like to observe how a settlement or a city develops from its origin, and to read the characteristic of its space. We also try to learn to understand a city from its geographical environment, forms of streets and blocks, architectural types of diverse ages, styles of facades and even the constructive materials, etc., that is, from the development of its urban fabrics, to decode its spaces. No matter if those cities were planned with strong geometrical character, or expanded gradually with organic forms, we would study them in this seminar. Just as what we just describe on a city, one building or a group of buildings has their life history to be browsed. Different from a city, the


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