課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
5105110 | 新世紀生醫產業創新科技 | Innovative biomedical industries in the new millennium | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 介紹新興生醫產業的趨勢與其跨領域之特性。課程內容含: 生醫產業簡介, 新世紀人類基因體大計畫, 微生物工程新應用, 新型蛋白質藥劑之開發, 分子醫療診斷之革新, 生醫產業之電腦新科技, 遠距醫療服務新模式, 創新健康管理與保險制度的創新, 生醫產業與科技法律, 生醫產業與社會倫理, 幹細胞新產業, 組織再生新產業, 超級老鼠的誕生, 美美的生醫美容, 抗癌症研究之新科技, 抗傳染疾病之新科技。評分的方式以學生報告為主。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The course is to introduce the trends and the characteristics of biomedical industries in the new millennium. The course covers areas such as human genome project, biotechnology application with microbes, new protein drug, innovative medical technology, computation biology in biomedical industries, new business models in telemedicine, health care management and innovative insurance trends, technology laws in biomedical industries, social responsibility and biomedical industries, stem cell technology, new industries from tissue engineering and so on. The grading method of the course is based on the oral and written reports. |