課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
4906591 | 跨文化創造力與創業家策略 | Cross-Cultural Creativity and Entrepreneurship | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 為了培養學生運用其跨文化之多元優勢, 與在受多元學門之培育, 未來能成為跨國產業界之優秀領導者, 貢獻人群。透過動態激盪之個案研討, 與實戰模擬, 學生們將能啟動其創造力, 學習開發與創新思維, 進而建立其創造性思考, 分析邏輯之架構, 與實務界問題解決之道之整合管理能力。學生們亦將學習多元化之企業主題, 包括有跨文化之商業交涉與溝通協商, 創意之行銷策略, 創業家精神, 組織發展與團隊管理, 領導學等實務模擬。經過整套課程之培育, 透過哈佛管理個案與跨文化相關產業之分析與研討, 期許學生們將建立實際應用到未來之職涯規劃與機會開展之學識, 技術與能力, 並本著具有仁愛, 與誠信正直之寬廣胸懷, 進而成為未來之優秀領導人。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course is specifically designed for our students who have the heart of passion and willingness to become great leaders after graduation for their future career. Through dynamic brain-power training, knowledge and intelligence building, case study and international simulations, we will activate the creative genes in each one of our students. We will build their creative thinking, analytical reasoning, and problem solving abilities. In the spirit of inspirational leadership, we will develop their creative marketing, managerial and organizational skills in the process of entrepreneurial case study and simulations. Students will be able to draw upon their cross-cultural knowledge and learn how to apply what they have learnt in our business schools. The main topics to be covered include cross-cultural business etiquettes, creative designing, innovative marketing, cross-cultural communication, analytical planning, cross-cultural negotiation, risk-taking, and |