課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
4507504 | 高等控制理論 | Advanced control theory | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 先進冷凍空調系統為兼顧功能性之達成與設備節約能源,衍生許多控制系統設計問題,傳統古典控制理論(Classical control theory)已無法完全滿足設計需求,而須輔以近代控制(Modern control)、模糊控制(Fuzzy control)乃至於系統識別(System identification)工具,解析新式機具工況並給出其控制模型,才能有效進行先進控制系統設計。高等控制理論著眼於實現先進冷凍空調設備節能控制,講述近代控制理論,配合可控制性(Controllability) 與可觀測性(Observability) 之分析,完備新式控制系統設計所需之理論工具,另以模糊控制與類神經網路(Neuro network)之教學,探討在未有妥適控制模型下的控制系統設計,此外,亦著重於系統識別工具之討論,可利用逆向分析找出系統動力模型,以利控制系統設計。教學除理論外,同時配合現今先進控制系統之發展,如變頻控制、感測器網路技術等,講述理論與實務結合之先進控制系統設計。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Advanced control theory is an interdisciplinary subfield of science, which originated in engineering and mathematics to achieve thermal comfort and energy efficient control of equipments. This course introduces modern control theory, fuzzy control and system identification to analyzed the dynamic model of novel air-conditioning and refrigerating equipments. Different from classical control theory, controllability and observability will be analyzed to evolutes the traditional controller to modern control system with artificial intelligences. Neuro network will be discussed to get the predicted model of black box or grey box system. Except the discussions of theories, inverter control and sensor network technologies will also be introduced to fulfill the requirements of next-generation energy, air-conditioning and refrigerating equipments. |