課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
4505000 | 流體機械設計 | Design of Turbomachinery | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程將介紹流體機械設計上之相關理論與其流場行為的分析方法,內容包括流體機械的熱流動力學、翼列間流場理論、軸流式渦輪機械(幫浦、風扇、壓縮機)設計與分析、離心式渦輪機械(幫浦、風扇、壓縮機) 設計與分析、渦卷式和螺旋式壓縮機設計與分析、電腦輔助流體機械設計。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course intends to introduction the design principles of turbomachinery and the methods to analyze the flow behavior. The course contents are: thermo-fluid dynamics aspects of turbomachinery, cascade flow, preliminary design and analysis of xial-flow turbomachines (pump, compressors and fan), centrifugal-flow turbomachines (pump, compressors and fans), scroll and screw compressor, the computational aided design of turbomechinery. |