課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
4504908 | 離岸風電之熱流與空氣動力學基礎 | Foundation and Analysis of Thermo-Fluid and Aerodynamics on Offshore Wind Power | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 離岸風力發電是在海上建設風力發電廠,電廠通常建於大陸礁層(棚),利用風能進行發電,它較陸上風力發電具有更高的風速,所以能提供更多的電力。面對全球溫室氣體減量趨勢與達成非核家園願景,政府已規劃2025年再生能源發電占比20%之政策目標,為達成此一政策目標,政府規劃以太陽光電及離岸風電作為主力,其中離岸風力原規劃於2025年累計達3 GW(10億瓦)。為了讓學生了解離岸風力發電熱流與空氣動力學之基本原理與應用,特別於大四與研究所共同合開這門課。本課程內容主要包括:(1)離岸風電簡介,(2)流體力學分析基礎與其應用於風機之分析,(3)熱傳學分析基礎與其應用於風機之分析,(4)空氣動力學基礎與其應用於風機之分析,(5)電腦輔助離岸風機之氣動分析。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Offshore wind power is the use of wind farms constructed in bodies of water, usually in the ocean on the continental shelf, to harvest wind energy to generate electricity. Higher wind speeds are available offshore compared to on land, so offshore wind power’s electricity generation is higher per amount of capacity installed. In the face of the trend of global greenhouse gas reduction and the realization of the non-nuclear homeland vision, the government has planned a policy goal of renewable energy generation in the proportion of 20% in 2025. In order to achieve this policy goal, the government plans to use solar photovoltaic and offshore wind power as its main force. Among them, offshore wind power was originally planned to reach 3 GW (1 billion watts) in 2025. To assist students to understand the principle and application of thermo-fluid and aerodynamics on offshore wind power, this course is opened for seniors of undergraduate students and graduate students. The main content includ |