課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
4403011 | 鐵道產業導論 | Introduction to Rail Industry | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程為本校「智慧鐵道學程」的課程。課程開授之目標,是希望藉由實務傳承與實際場域參訪的方式,使修課學生能夠瞭解鐵道產業的內涵,並對國內鐵道產業的運作現況,有全面性的認識。 本課程是以同時段合院授課的方式、針對選讀學程之學生、邀請鐵道事業單位(包括鐵道局、台鐵、北捷、桃捷、高鐵、鐵道建設規劃顧問公司等)、具十年以上相關工作經驗的專業人員、以業師的身份共同參與授課。 本課程會安排實際場域(台鐵、北捷、桃捷)參訪交流行程,並會要求修課同學於期末報告時,針對國內鐵道產業現況提出具體建言。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | This course is one of the courses for the Intelligent Rail Curriculum. The main purpose of this course is, via practical technology lecturing and on-site field visiting, to provide the students an overall understanding of the contents and the operational situation of domestic rail industry. This course is a joint lecture among departments inside our college with synchronized class hours. The industrial instructors to our participant students include senior professional practitioners with more than 10-year experiences from Ministry of Railway, Taiwan Railway Bureau (TRB), Taipei MRT, Taoyuan MRT, Taiwan High Speed Rail, and Consultant Agencies for Railway construction, etc. Field trips to operation sites such as TRB, Taipei MRT and Taoyuan MRT, will be scheduled. Each student will also need to submit a term paper regarding the review and suggestion for the domestic rail industry. |