課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
4236098 | 平行運算 | Parallel Computing | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 平行運算指的是將需要耗費大量電腦CPU時間的複雜工程模擬問題平行化,分散到不同處理器上同時同步執行,以求能在合理的時間內獲致結果,並應用在工程設計或理論建構上。在本課程中將介紹平行運算的原理(Concurrency and Synchronization),分辨可平行化和不可平行化的問題,探討平行運算的演算法和可計算性,以及介紹將程式平行化的實用技術,並分析程式容錯性和可靠度(Fault Tolerance and Reliability),以幫助學生將平行運算應用在土木工程和學術研究中,學生將有機會使用平行化程式語言(High Performance Fortran)開發應用程式,本課程先修課程為程式設計,建議研究所同學選修。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | Parallel computing is a methodology to handle complex engineering problems by distributing the intensive computation work to different processors to process simultaneously in order to obtain the results in a reasonable amount of time. This course will introduce the basic theory of parallel computing, teach how to identify problems that are parallelizable, and demonstrate how to apply the principles of parallel computing to civil engineering problems. Students will have opportunities to obtain hands-on experience by developing their own parallel programs (using High Performance Fortran). The prerequisite of this course is computer programming. It is suitable for graduate students to choose as an elective. |