課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
4236086 | 地質統計 | Geostatistics | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 大地工程工程地質學地理資訊系統及災害現場資料蒐集分析都牽涉到資料的空間分佈與分析,以地質來說,地質構造的空間分佈往往決定工程的可行性或解決方案的適用性,因此不可不慎,又以大地工程來說,由於地質材料的不確定性,工程師往往需要使用極為保守的安全因數,而數字間的取捨又往往是不客觀的經驗或是人云亦云,因此有所缺憾,本課程希針對這問題,導入機率的觀念,使工程師能熟悉常態分佈測試序列分析迴歸分析空間分析Semivariograms及Principal Component Analysis 等統計技巧在地質資料量測上的應用,以有助於現地資料的蒐集和解讀(將從基礎機率開始教起,不需要統計先修課程。) | |||
英文概述 English Description | Geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, geographical information system, and field disaster data collection all require the understanding of the spatial distribution of the collected data. Take the geology as an example, the spatial distribution of geological structures usually determines the feasibility of an engineering project. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the statistical meaning of the measurement results. Also, in the field of geotechnical engineering, engineers tended to apply very conservative safety factors due to the uncertain nature of the geological materials. As a result, the selection of the proper design numbers was not objective or accurate. To address this problem, it is the goal of this course to introduce the concept of probability so that students could become familiar with statistical concepts such as normal distribution, time sequence analysis, regression analysis, and their applications in the measurements of geological data. |