課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
4235011 | 土木與防災之低碳管理 | Low Carbon Management of Civil Engineering and Disaster Prevention | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 為使土木營建背景的學生具備跨域學習與創用能力,本課程扣合當前重要時趨(如SDGs, ESG, LCA, ESDG/USR等)於土木與防災之低碳管理。擇採綠色與數位雙軸科技(如數位碳盤查與減碳之智化物聯網AIoT)作為課程雙核心編排,介紹內容如碳-水-環境足跡之盤查與減碳策略、綠-智-健康之數位雲平台、無線感測與低工耗遠域網路等專案開發的理與例,以符綠智營建之踐履,以臻永續經管之倡議。 為求哲科合一,課程亦將思與學之認識與方法作簡扼介紹(系統思考與問題導向學習)。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | To achieve interdisciplinary learning and innovative creativity for civil engineering students, this course presents the Carbon-Water-Environmental inventory associated with Artificial Intelligent/Internet of Things (AIoT) to meet sustainable development of civil engineering and disaster adaptation/mitigation. The contents in this class include sustainable development goals such as SDGs, ESG, LCA, ESDG/USR briefly, green-intelligent-healthy construction/maintenance and resilient projects, WSN (Wireless Network), LPWAN (Low Power Wide-Area Network), e-Cloud Management. Meanwhile, Systems Thinking (ST) and Problem-based Learning (PBL) , which are crucial for philosophy of science, would be introduced for this holistic approach. |