課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3904417 | 不動產經營與管理 | Operation and Management of Real Estate | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程主要目的為提供學生瞭解不動產開發案相關之理論基礎及實務經驗。不動產經營所涉及的領域甚廣,因此課程內容安排著重實務討論及法令解說,藉由案例分享瞭解地方政府落實開發建設可能涉及的資源課題與對策,例如容積獎勵、稅賦減免、都市計畫變更及容積移轉等;另外開發案財務分析導論及比較,讓學生可以系統性的認識各種類型不動產開發案之收益、稅制、規劃限制及風險等,除了增加實務的認識,對於個人理財亦有幫助。課程內容包含1.基礎財務分析、2.不動產相關法令解說、3.不動產產品規劃及銷售實務、4.不動產開發流程及實務、5.產業創新案例分享、6.產業政策與方向及7.實際案例參訪等。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The course provides both theoretical and pragmatic knowledge in real estate management. Course contents emphasize on practical recitations and codes commentaries. Factors such as area-allowanced incentives, tax reductions, amendments in city planning, and transfer area allowance are addressed in each case study. In addition, financial benefits, tax regulations, design constraints, and risk assessment in development different types are presented in systematic manner thru the course. Course topics include: 1. Fundamental financial analyses. 2. Real estate regulations and codes. 3. Real estate planning and marketing. 4. Procedures in real estate development. 5. Innovations in practice. 6. Real estate policy. 7. Visitation in projects. |