課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3902419 | 建築物理(二) | Architecture Physics(II) | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程主要教導學生認識建築物理環境之控制原理與應用技術,包含光環境、溫熱環境、空氣環境、音環境等,做為學習建築環境控制系統與建築設備之基礎。本課程內容分為五大部分,包括(一)永續建築與評估系統概述、(二)建築環境量測系統介紹、(三)建築節能計畫、(四)室內環境品質計畫、(五) 專題演講或實務案例參訪。 本學期特色為介紹物理環境控制技術外,同時輔以量測儀器觀摩或操作,及專題演講或實務案例參訪,幫助學生在建築設計中能依據其控制原理,針對不同類型建築物提出最適化之規劃、設計,使其建築設計符合永續、健康建築環境之原則。 | |||
英文概述 English Description | In this course, students will learn about the principles of control and application techniques of architecture physics which include luminous environment, thermal environment, air environment, and sound environment as an introduction to understanding Systems of Environment Control and Architectural equipment. The course is divided into 5 sections, (1) Summary on sustainable architecture and the systems of evaluation, (2) Introduction on the measurement systems of architectural environment, (3) Building energy conservation plan, (4) Indoor environmental quality plan, (5) Themed lectures or site visits. In this semester, other than the introduction of techniques on physical environment control, the operation of measuring instruments, themed lectures and site visits will also be incorporated to assist students in the application of environmental control theories into their architectural designs. Allowing them to be able to plan and design while given different types of architecture, |