課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3832005 | 建築史 | History of Architecture | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程(建築史)分五個單元講述; 一.十九世紀 此時期工業革命是影響建築發展的主要因素,以鑄鐵.玻璃和鋼筋混凝土等為建材,並形成先進的結構方式, 二.現代主義初期(1890-1920) 此時期影響建築史發展的藝術流派有立體派.表現主義.風格派.未來主義及構成主義等. 三.現代主義盛期(1920-1970) 此時期認為"少就是多"所有建築的發展放棄歷史主義與裝飾主義,以理性抽象的的造型和機能代之. 四.後現代主義時期(1965-1989) 此時期認為"少是很無趣的",建築的發展以古典傳統和歷史先例為靈感基礎. 五.當代多元發展時期 世紀末的建築師多不依循某一運動流派,而是以其獨特的手法進行設計,形成繽紛多元的建築發展. | |||
英文概述 English Description | The Course is devided into five units : 1). The Nineteenth Century : The Industrial Revolution was the major influence on architectural history development. Structures of this period were marvels of engineering using materials like iron, plate glass, and reinforced concrete in new types of construction. 2). Foundation of Modernism (1890-1920) : In this period, the art community, including Cubism, Expressionism, De Stijl, Futurism and Constructivism, greatly influenced the form of building. 3).Modernism(1920-1970) : In this period, emphasises were placed on the "Less is More" , historicism and ornament were abandoned, the replacement were form and function, reason and abstraction. 4).Postmodernism (1965-1989) : Postmodernism architecture is characterized by the idea of "Less is Boring",and was inspired by Classical tradition and historical precedents. 5).Contemporary Pluralism : In the latter part of the twentieth century, an architect doesn't want to be associated with a movement, unle |