課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3821124 | 室內設計史 | History of Interior Design | 2.0 | 2 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程的時段從古埃及至19世紀時期,分別探討此期間具代表性的宗教及住宅建築, 關於歷史背景,空間規劃及室內裝飾細部等三向度的發展情形.此三向度分別為: 1).歷史背景的探討. 此一向度是室內設計史很重要的影響因素;包含氣候,政治,社會,經濟,建材 和營造技術等因素.2).空間規劃的探討. 係分別以二向度的平面為基礎,探討空間佈局,採光,三向度空 間特色及空間序列等之變化情形.3).室內建築元素及其裝飾的探討. 包括樓板地坪,牆,門窗,天花及 樓梯等的探討. | |||
英文概述 English Description | The Course focus on the evolution of historical setting, space planning, and interior architecture decorative detail of religious and residential building. The history of interior design generally covers several periods starting from ancient Egypt to 19th-century revival styles. Each period is discussed according to the units as follow: 1).To understand the historical setting. This is the most important factor of the interior design .It's factors including climate, politics, social ambience, economics conditions, materials ,and construction techniques. 2).To study the space planning of typical case of the each period. This unit is presented in terms of the floor plan as well as the three-dimensional characteristics, including the study of space layout,lighting,and the sequences of the space. 3).To study the interior architecture elements and their decoration. This unit is presented in terms of each interior elements such as floors, walls, windows, doors, ceilings, and stairways. |