課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3645024 | 系統級封裝之雛型設計與應用 | SiP Prototyping Design and Applications | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程的目標在於使學生學習完整的系統級封裝(SiP)之雛型設計。介紹SIP生產中使用的系統設計技術,分割、整合、覆晶、線接合、多層堆疊、高密度黏著技術和量測方法;再介紹訊號與電源完整分析。使得SiP 應用基材特性與電路佈局的概念能完成SiP設計。本課程之大綱如下所示: 1.SiP設計簡介 2.晶片互連技術 3.晶圓級堆疊封裝技術 4.覆晶技術 5.線接合技術 6.多層堆疊技術 7.高密度黏著技術量測方法 8.訊號完整分析 9.電源完整分析 10.設計實例 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The goal of this course is that the students will learn SiP prototyping design and Applications. This course will introduce the systematic design methodology of the SiP technologies, partitioning, integration, Flip-Chip, wire bonding, muti-stacks, high density sticking, measurement. Moreover, the signal and power integrity analysis will be introduced here. Therefore, the students can use the properties of SiP substrate and schematics layout concept to implement the SiP design. The outline of this course are shown as follows: 1.Basic Principle of SiP Design 2.Interconnection Technologies Between Chips 3.Packing Technology of Die-level Stack 4.Flip-Chip Technologies 5.Wire Bonding Technologies 6.Muti-stacks Technologies 7.High density Sticking Technologies 8.Measurement Methods 9.Signal Integrity 10.Power Integrity 11.Design Case Study |