課程編碼 Course Code | 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) | 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) | 總學分數 Credits | 總時數 Hours |
3645002 | 系統雛形與軟硬體設計 | System Prototyping and Hardware Software Design | 3.0 | 3 |
中文概述 Chinese Description | 本課程的目標在於使學生學習利用FPGA系統來完成一個系之設計與驗證的方法,同時在系設計過程了解如何從系統規格之下做軟硬體的分割,進而學習系統之軟體及硬體之設計技術,系統設計的功能之正確性的驗證方法也將在本課程中探考。本課程之大綱如下所示: 1.系統設計簡介2.系統雛型平台3.系統軟硬體分割技術4.FPGA系統之嵌入式處理器5.系統軟體設計6.系統硬體設計7.系統整合及仿效8.系統功能驗證9.設計實例 | |||
英文概述 English Description | The goal of this course is that the students will learn a system design and verification methodology under a provided system protoyping platform. First, the system partitioning techniques will be applied from given a system specification. Then, system hardware and software design method base on FPGA systems will be implemented and studies,respectively. Finally, System functional verification techniques will be discussed. The outline of this course are shown as follows: 1.Introduction to System Design Methodology 2.System Prototyping Platform 3.Hardware-Software Partitioning Techniques 4.Embedded Processor in FPGA system 5.Software Design for Embedded Processor of FPGA Based Systems 6.Hardware Design for FPGA Based Systems 7.System Integrated and Emulation 8.System Functional Verification 9.Design Case Study. |